Ielts Writing 2018
Topic 1: Sport
Keyword: Sports which are play in teams, individual sport.
*Team sports: Provide a number of benefits
1. --> the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills (teamwork and communication skills) --> Help in day-to-day social interactions but also benefit people in thier wordplace.
2. --> offer the chance to develop the sense of unity, friendship, sportmanship between teamates --> Add value to people's lives --> Making them feel a part of something.
*Individual sports: Have some merits
1. --> give the opportunity to enhance people's personal skills --> Manage emotions, cope with stress, build confidence and self-esteem.
2. --> have no one else to rely on for support --> Need to develop a strong mindset to overcome any setbacks thay may face.
3. --> provide better opportunity for people to challenge themselves --> by setting goals and achieving personal bests
* Word phrase:
- as opposed to...
- a range of benefits...
- it depends on...
- each individual wishes
- being able to...
- to be able to deal with...
- offer great benefits
- people's mental and physical health...
- choose whatever ...
- ...are most interested in...
Topic 2: City Life
Keywords: People living in large cities, problems, relocate to other place to live
* Problems living in city:
1. --> increased levels of pollution --> Due to high volumes of traffic --> Large quantities of pollutants --> The degradation of air quality --> A significant contributor to various types of respiratory disease
2. --> being bombarded with fake or exaggerated news and informations --> lead to consusion and social anarchy
* Encourage people move to regional areas
1. --> reduce the number of vehicles in cities --> Definitely reduce the levels of air pollution
2. --> fewer number of people --> relieve the pressure on the housing supply --> increase the quality of living spaces --> affect to mental health
* Word phrase:
- major problems
- pollution and informative overload
- encourage people to ...
- a great cause for concern among residents of big cities
- being released into the atmosphere
- lung cancer
- a large proportion of
- is hazardous to the health of citizens
- live in small, uncomfortable spaces
- have a direct impact on...
- servere air pollution
- a bombardment of information
- serious problems
- relocate to
Topic 3: Libary, Computer Technology
Keywords: public libraries, waste of money, computer technology
* Advantages of online sources of imnformation
1. --> online sources stores a huge amount of information --> is greater than any physical library --> researchers easily get the information with out having to travel
2. --> people can look for information whenever they want--> most libraries can only be visited several hours per day --> particularly beneficial people who have a hectic schedule
* The important of local libraries
1. --> it is the most popular means of accessing the information among senior citizens --> most elderly people these days are technophobes --> local libraries are preferred option.
2. --> be considered as more reliable source of information --> online sources are an abundance of incurrate and unreliable information --> while libraries proved to be a more reliable information source --> information being carefully categorized by library staffs
* Word phrases:
- is no longer necessary
- allow us to access
- a great deal of information
- clear benefits of ...
- it is still worth spending money on...maintianing public libraries
- the preservation of local libraries
- is still necessary
- their distinguishing features
- cannot be subsituted by ...
- one of the most...
- regardless of ...
- can be considered
- compared with...
- are good ground for rejecting the view that ...
Topic 4: Bussiness
Keywords: Bussiness meeting, discussion training, online
* Some major disadvantage of conducting meetings and training sessions online
1.--> the technical limitations --> reduce the effectiveness of discussions or meetings --> elderly people may find it hard to make use of lastest programs and softwares.
2.--> people may lose track of the progress of meeting --> due to slow internet connection or platform malfunction
3. --> lack of face-to-face interaction --> which is often concerned as the key to a successful meeting or training section --> lack of the physical presence of hosts or trainers --> people are easily distracted by non productive online activities.
* Advantages of virtual meetings are more significant
1. --> consume much less time and money --> all team members can join the conference from any place without need to travel
2. --> members can share the organise files and presentations easily and conveniently.--> the file can be edited or revised by other members --> facilitating collaboration within the whole team.
* Word Phrases:
- Holding bussiness meeting and training via internet
- ...has gained enormous popularity in recent years
- the drawbacks of this are varied
- the benefits are greater
- Conducting meetings and tranining sessions online
- some major disadvantages
- reduce the effectiveness of...
- online attendants
- would no doubt provide a more engaging and active meetings and training sessions.
- I am convinced that ...
- compared to...
- make long trips just to meet...
- online communication
- it seems that the merits of virtual meetings and trainings...
- ...more significant than the downsides.
Topic 5: Scientific Research
Keywords: Scientifi research, government, private companies
* Governmants play a leading role in performing researches.
1. --> scientific researches are the key to finding solutions for the pressing concerns of society --> develop vaccines against potential epidemics ; research into renewable energies to deal with global warming
2. --> ensure reliable and ethical methods used --> minimized the risk of being used for criminal activities --> Eg: nuclear power or weapons, terrorism or other warfare
* Useful scientific discoveries have been made by private institutions.
1. --> the invention of iPhone by Apple --> open era of smartphones and facilitated modern forms of interaction between people all over the world.
2. --> create the competition in the marketplace --> develop thier own products by conducting scientific investigation --> society will be benefited from new inventions and better products.
* Word Phrases:
- plays an important role
- the development of humanity
- the responsibility for conducting and managing researches...
- should be taken by...
- have the rights and duty to carry out research
- due to a number of reasons
- is crucial to
- these kinds of research
- require a great deal of spending
- can only be afforded by...
- To illustrate,..
- profit-driven companies
- should not be deprived of the right...
Topic 6: Traffic
Keywords: the only way, stricter punishment
* The benefits of implementation of harsher punishment
1.--> act as a deterant to would-be lawbreakers --> eg. motorist not wearing a helmet can be fined with 20-40$ --> people will be fear of facing punishment and advoid committing another offense
2.--> reduce traffic accidents --> eg. a significant number of anual road casualties because loosely enforced regulations --> once harsher laws was implemented --> there was a notable reduction in the total number of traffic accidents.
* There are still other effective measures to endure people's safety (not only stricter punishments)
1.--> heightening people's awareness about the consequences of committing driving offenses--> through the media
2. --> promoting the use of public transport systems such as buses or trains
3. --> the most effective method may be combine all the aforementioned ideas
* Word Phrase:
- an increasing number of...
- are concerned about...
- imposing stricter penalties...
- still a controversial
- ...can act as effective way
- deter people from commiting road offenses
- protect the welfare of road users
- more stringent punishment
- witnessed road casualties
- This is not to say that...
- enhance the safety of our roads
- to achieve the best results
- minimizing driving offenses
- maintaining the road safety
Topic 7: Family
Keywords: tradition, get together
* The reasons attribute for family members tend to eat together less frequently.
1.--> people these days tend to have havier workloads and more hetic schedules than in the past --> sitting down to share a meal might not be a convenient choice.--> eat out with friends, colleagues or bussiness partners near the workplace can be more suitable for their timetable.
2.--> the fast food culture of modern life can change people's eating habit --> because it is inexpensive food choice and can be found everywhere --> eg. people often grab a quick meal after a busy day at work or school --> they skip meals with their families when they go home.
* The trend has both positive and negative impacts on people.
1. --> in terms of benefits --> people are able to be much more flexible with thier time --> not have to show up at a fixed hour to have meals --> they can eat whatever and whenever they want.
2. --> in terms of negative effects --> lead to a weaker family bond --> continously eats seperately --> famaly members may not be able to share their thoughts, feelings with each other --> may feel isolated from each other --> lack of deep family connection
* Word Phrases:
- ...will put toward some explainations for this trend and an analysis of the potential impacts
- can be atrributable to two reasons
- the tendency of family members eating sperately is mainly caused by...
- the difference in the schedules
- the preference to eat fast food
Topic 8: Work
Keywords: Formal acedemic qualification, life experience, personal qualities
* The reasons for formal ecademic qualifications are more highly appreciated than life experience and personal qualities when it comes to recruiment process:
1.--> academic degrees are considered as a tool to measure the level of knowledge that students are capable of --> students need to pass many examinations and take part in many training courses --> this ensure that students have gained sufficient in-depth knowledge in major field that the company is looking for.
2.--> people have life experience and personal qualities are likely to lack a suitable amount of academic knowledge in their field --> they need to be trained for a long time
* The reasons why it is the positive development.
1.--> this trend bring some positive effects on society as a whole --> students will be motivated to pursue tertiary education --> for sake of the better career prospects
2. --> student can gain insights into thier chosen field and have a chance to compete with others
3. --> there more and more people entering university --> contribute to a society of more well-informed and educated citizens
* Word Phrases:
- the reluctance of employers to hire them for vacant positions
- sufficiently trained
- emphasis on formal academic qualifications
- instead of...
Topic 9: Building
Keywords: newly built houses, old houses, style.
* Some reasons why all building in a particular area should have the same style:
1.--> it will enhance a sense of community and equality within a residential area.--> the houses reflects the wealth and social status of its owners --> people may feel inferior and less confident when socialising with thier neighbours if thier house looks older, smaller and less atrractive then others
2. --> a house which stands out in the neighbourhood could potential make its owner the target of gossip or burglary
3. --> when houses share a common design --> it will be easier for the local government to supervise the process of contrucsion and make sure these building are safe for both inhabitants and neighbours
* Some reasons why residents should have permission to contruct thier house in a style of thier own preference
1.--> a good building should satisfy all three principles and durability, utility and beauty. --> not only be strong in design, but also inspire the owners by its aesthetic design --> people need to feel comfortable when they live in their house because it largely affects their spirit.
2. --> it greatly contribute to the diverse image of the town.
* Word Phrases:
- It is controvisal issue as to wether...or, wether...
- should be designed
- existing homes
- in a style of thier own preference
- the design needs to satisfy all necessary safety requirements.
- it should be people's right to...
- be built in a unique style
- there are certain justifications for...
- to be constructed
- according to...
Topic 10: Building
Keywords: intended use, outward appearance
* A magnificent looking structure can bring a wide range of benefits that should be taken into consideration.
1.--> it can remarkably raise the value of a building --> eg. commercial or shoping center it looks more attractive, professional and high-class.--> the more customers are attracted --> the more profits it can potentially generate.
2.--> an aesthetic design can contribute a lot to the apearance of a city --> may make it become one of the most distinguishing places on the map --> eg. a lot cities nowadays are well known for it's architectual beauty --> become popular destinations for tourist
* The purposes of building are the key consideration when designing it.
1.--> There are a variety of different building types--> eg: office buildings, commercial buildings, shopping centers, hospitals and schools.--> each one has its own purposes and a particular interior design to server those purposes. --> focusing on the functionality of a design first --> can bring out the best use of a contruction.
2.--> People use a particular place because of what it offers inside, not merely because what it looks like outside --> eg. if a company intends to erect a new office building --> they tend to choose design based on the inner working spaces --> to enhance the operation of the staff and the enterprise
* Word Phrases:
- People have different views regarding the importance of ...
- a building's function
- in comparision to ...
- exterior appearance
- i agree with the idea that...
- a contruction's purpose
- should be more highly value than ...
- for a number of reasons.
- it can not be denied that
- can benefit the building's owners enormous
- an importance factor
- it's function should recieve greater attention.
Topic 11: Education
Keywords: teach children, literature, own country, other countries
* Locally written works come with numerous benefits to students.
1. --> erich student's skills to use their own language --> through learning literature of their mother tongue --> students can learn art of using the language --> the flexibility in the vocabulary highlights used, the syntax of sentences, different ways to convey ideas; linguistic knowledge will gradually be built up --> benefit the students in their study and social communication
2. --> national literacy works give students an insight into their own culture --> eg. traditional literature, fairy tales, legends and fables --> students become familar with thier tradition, native terms and also national values which have been passed down from generation to generation --> they will develop a sense of national identity and patriotism
* Studying foreign literature is also advantageous for the following reasons.
1. --> it gives learners opportunities to expand their horizons by showing them bigger picture of the outside world --> having access to foreign historical events and cultures, commentaries on politics, society and stereotypes in literature from countries abroad --> foster students' awareness of the diversity of the world.
2. --> students will be equipped with a broader range of knowledge --> help them more prepared for globalized world --> students will have a grasp of the culture of foreign countries and adapt themselves in terms of manners, customs or behaviours if they live in the new environment or dealing with foreigners.
* Word Phrase
- it is argued by some people...
- is of greate importance
- from my perspective
- pices of art
- to begin with
- to be more specific
- develop comprehensively
Topic 12: History
Keywords: concentrate on, history and culture, own country, other parts
* Reasons why artifacts and works of national value should be given priority.
1.--> meseums and art galleries should be places that honor indigenous history and culture --> By going to these place, people gain a deeper understanding of thier nation (golden age and hard times that the country has been through) --> the exhibitions serve an educational purpose , instill patriotism and promote a sense of national pride
2. --> such places help to preserve traditional and historical values --> in 21st century, many minority ethnic groups are in grave danger --> loosing thier culture --> display of thier works and artifacts will help to perserve thier culture and the cultural diversity of a nation.
* Showing international works of art has several merits.
1. --> works from other parts of the world help to diversify the content of museums and art galleries --> admittedly, even though the value of mesuems and art galleries cannot be denied, thier failure in adopting changes and updating collections --> discourage people visit these places --> international works will add appeal and aid museums and art galleries attract more visitors.
2. --> if mesumes display international works, people will have more chance to gain knowledge and insight into other cultures as well.
* Word Phrases.
- ...have played a major role.
- conveying historical values for a long time.
- focus purely on...
- other with contradicting views affirm that...
- ...are also great worth
- Personally, i think both viewpoints are equally valid.
- the ultimate goal of ...
- to spread knowledge and wonder far and wide
- ...should be prioritized
Topic 13: Art and Culture
Keywords: governmental funding, art and culture, beneficial or not.
* There are more serious issues to address than investing money in cultural activities.
1.--> the deterioration of transport infrastruture in many cities --> the major reson to increase number of traffic accidents --> using money for the construction of new roads and highways --> bring immediate effects and save thousands of lives
2. --> nations across the globe are facing with many environmental problems --> require urgent attention --> pollution and natural resource depletion --> national leaders should join forces with scientists to combat these issue by allocating financial resources --> the development of renewable and environmentally friendly sources of energy --> no point to sending money on cultural activities before ensuring the safe and clean environment for citizens.
* Cultural activities play an important role in people's lives.
1.--> Cultural events, like Tet Holiday or Christmas --> the occasions when family members gather together --> help strengthen the sense of family and community --> further enrichs people's lives.
2.--> Cultural activities help to preserve cultural diversity, especially in such a globalised world where so much culture is being lost and forgotten --> Eg. Vietnamese government has contructed many museums that solely exhibit examples of ethnic minority culture, whose populations are decreasing at an alarming rate.
* Word Phrases:
- Opinion diverge on...
- the necessity of ...
- it is unnecessity investment
- ...would benefit if ...
- I will discuss both views and state my own opinion in this essay.
- ...are of greate significance and require attention and financial support from...
- it is also the government's duty to address issues in transportation and the environment to protect citizen's lives
- maintain a healthy environment for people to live.
Topic 14: Art and culture
Keywords: governmental funding, beneficial or not
* Many forms of art, especially literature, can deliver messages about the aprreciation of what we have in life as well as life itself.
1.--> Hundereds of literary works depict misery, misfortune and sorrow that still exist in life today --> send a strong message to those who do not appreciate thier lives
--> Eg. "The Goldfinch" narrates a story about the miserable life of the main charecter after the unfortunate death of his mother --> make us wonder wether we have become heartless toward our loved ones. --> technologies could manage to convey such a powerful message
* Arts teach us to cherish the beauty of culture and this is the fuel for our spiritual lives.
1.--> this is extremely important in a world that technology and science seem to fade our belief in the gravity of culture in daily life.--> the connection between art and culture is boundless --> traditional musics and ancient paintings can remind us where we came from and who we are. --> cultural identity is preserved in various forms of art.
* Word Phrases:
- in the modern era
- continual scientific and technological advancement
- artists are still gaining a lot respect from...
- there are a number of...
- to.
- arts can touch us to a much deeper extent
- help us value what we have
- remind us of the significant of our culture.
Topic 15: Tourism
Keywords: organized tour, remote areas, local people, environment
* The financial and socio-cultural benefits for the locals in remote areas are evident.
1.--> tourists visiting the regions have a high demand for goods and services --> willing to pay higher than average prices.--> boost local economies in remote areas --> eventually enhance living standards of the local people
2. --> tourists can provide a lot of experiences to ethenic people in remote areas through their interactions with local residents who are almost completely isolated from the outside world --> this can help them to broaden knowledge about a more civilized society.
* The hordes of tourists to remote regions still leave severe impacts on the environment in these area.
1.--> tourist offen litter where ever they go and do not bother to clean in areas they have visited --> this may lead to such conditions like dirty roads, clogged sewage systems in these places --> negatively and directly affects local people's living conditions.
2.--> indigenous people have to sacrifice thier natural resoureces to accommodat tourists' insatiable demands --> Eg. in several moutainous areas of Vietnam, local people cut down a vast areas of forest to make handicrafts or furniture for tourists --> these acts can contribute to the environmental deterioration in remote areas.
* Word Phrases:
- there has been a growing tendency for...
- this has some positive impacts on...
- the detrimental effects on the environment are more significant
- the issue is more of negative development
- the economy and societies in remote areas can benefit tremendously from organised tourism
- the negative environmental consequences that this situation brings are far more significant.
Topic 16: Health
Keywords: public money, prevent illness, treatment.
* A large proportion of state budget should be allocated to activities or campaigns that promote a healthy lifestyle.
1. --> a lot of diseases nowadays are actually the direct result of people's unhealthy habit. --> Eg. children eat fast food too much --> can suffer from a range of health issues, such as weight problems and obesity --> these diseases can be prevented if people are made more aware of the severe consequences of an unhealthy diet.
2. --> there are a number of incurable disease, such as HIV, AIDS and many forms of cancer --> although there are some treatments that can prolong the life of patients suffering from such diseases --> the better solution is obviously trying to prevent these diseases from occuring, instead of trying to cure them --> which offen place a heavy burden on patients's families.
* The treatment for people who are already ill should also recieve adequate funding, due to the fact that some diseases simply cannot be prevented.
1.--> Eg. people living in many tropical and coastal regions are highly vulnerable to water-borne diseases after a natural disaster, such as tsunami or heavy flooding.
2. --> there are also some illnesses and disorders that are inherited --> if a person suffers from asthma, it is highly likely that his children will also contract respiratory related diseases, regardless of thier diet or lifestyle.
--> These mentioned cases would be almost impossible for people and government to prevent. --> money needs to be spent on the treatment of patients.
* Word Phrases:
- order to fight disease
- should invest more money in...
- encouraging a healthy lifestyle
- I advocate this point of views.
- both promoting healthy lifestyle and spending money on the treatment of people who are already ill are equally important in the fight against diseases.
- ...should develop flexible plans to adapt to different situations.
Topic 17: Government and Society
Keywords: a "throw-away" society.
* The main reasons for the modern throwaway culture is greatly affected by cosumerism that encourages the mass production of short-lived goods and the consumption of those goods.
1. --> the market is flooded with cheap, single-use products --> make it easy to buy in large quantities and dispose them even before they become unusable.
2. --> the purpose for which we buy and use consumer products has changed over the past decades --> Eg. we no longer wait until clothes wear out to make new purchases; instead, our decisions to buy new clothes are heavily influenced by a number oth other incentives, such as it is better appearances or new fashion patterns.
* This practise inflicts severe damage on the environment
1. --> products which are throw away will cause landfills to become overloaded with massive piles of garbage --> only small proportion of which is disposed of properly to avoid harm to the environment. --> the rest of the garbage, usually non-recyclable and plastic items, is either buried underground or burnt. --> can increase air and land pollution levels --> direct harm the lives of people living in the throwaway society.
2. --> fuel the manufacturing of consumer products can be depleted due to the market's nonstop demand for those commondities.
* Word Phrases:
- It is now common to see...
- only use for a short period
- a number of factors that contribute to...
- this lead to a range of dire consequences.
- which will be outlined in this essay.
- wreaks devastation on our environment
- depletes our natural resources is formed largely by modern consumerism.
Topic 18: Global issue
Keywords: Time and money, protection of wild animals, human population
* I do not believe that much time or money is actually spent on protecting wild animals.
1.--> A large majoroty of time that people spend on such issue is voluntary work --> because they are passionate about saving and helping animals.
2. --> A large amount of money that is spent on these causes is from charity organisations --> which rely mostly on donations --> cannot tell people what charities that they should or should not donate thier time and money toward.
* Human and animals have equal right to live in peace
1. --> Humans are not the superior race on planet Earth --> the protection of wild animals and thier habits is extremely important --> because human activities are no doubt the main cause of most problems wild animal face --> human race has continued to destroy the planet and the natural habitats of wild animals --> people should be responsible for protecting them so that they can live wild and free, as is thier natural state.
* Word Phrases:
- there is some debates over...
- wildlife protection
- the protection of wild animals is extremely important
- preserving thier native animal species
- it is essential for the health of the planet
- maintain the diverse range of animals and wildlife within all ecosystems.
- the widespread devastation
- restore the healthy balance to the planet's natural environments.
Topic 19: Technology
Keywords: technology, the gap between the rich and the poor.
* Having access to the lastest and most advanced technology could bring a number of financial benefits to people
1.--> Advancements in technology have brought large changes in the way people work and do bussiness --> technology enhanced the productivity of most bussiness around the world --> particularly in manufacturing processes --> this has consequently boosted the profits of many companies --> possibly made many wealthy businessmen even richer --> increasing the wealth gap
* With an increase in the availability of many new technologies, it is also becoming more affordable for the large majority of people
--> It has provided more equal opportunities between people, whether rich or poor --> Eg. the Internet has become widespread throughout the world these days --> it has provided prople of all financial status access to a great deal of information that they can use to help them educate themselves in order to live better lives --> potentially decrease the gap
* Word Phrases:
- the availability of technoloy is widening the gap beetween ...
- access to technology
- has much impact on the gap between ...
- It is education and the acquisition and application of knowledge that may affect the wealth gap.
Topic 20:
Keywords: Media, good news.
* Bad news dominating the headlines is having undesirable influence on society.
1. --> Psychologically, this type of news, unless managed properly, may keep readers in a state of stress and lead them to experience trauma. --> Eg. Stories about ISIS slaughtering innocent citizens--> caused massive damage to people's mental state and instilled fear into thier minds
2. --> Frequent exposure to negative news can distort readers' perception of reality --> Eg. many media channels are trying to publish articles with the primary aim of attracting more viewers and therefore increasing profits. --> This, unfortunately, shape readers' outlook on society in a negative way
* Including good news in the media may have positive effects on the general public.
1.--> It helps restore our faith in humanity --> which inspires moral courses of action to uphold ethical social values --> can also have a positive psychological implication --> uplift people to become more optimistic and generally improve both physical and menthal health.
* Word Phrases:
- too focused on...
- increase viewership
- recounting more stories of good news can positively affect the moral behavior of a group of people.
- recieve more attention
Topic 21: Tourism
Keywords: International tourism, tension, understanding, between people from diffirent cultures.
* There are several instances of international travel creating social conficts.
1. --> A youtuber Logan Paul visited Japan and made fun of Japanese traditions and lifestyles --> this caused tremendous public outrage and prejudice agaist this young American.
2. --> Chinese tourists' inappropriate and selfish behavior during a buffet party in a Thai tourist destination
--> Even though these examples did not speak for the rest of American and Chinese populations --> it increased tension between the countries involved.
* In most cases, visiting a foreign country can help tourists understand more about local customs and lifestyles.
1.--> modern media, such as TV and newspapers, give people some foreign culture exposure --> overseas tourists tend to have more authentic and unique experiences --> lead to more profound understanding
--> This is extremely important because embracing cultural differences is key to establishing and maintaining social relationships in this day and age.
* Word Phrases:
- international tourism is generating enormous financial wealth
- become the primary source of income for numerous coutries around the globe
- cause tension
- my conviction is that...
- international tourism greatly facilities understanding between people of different cultural background
- internationl tourism allows overseas visitors to experience different cultures and therefore connects everyone through mutual understanding
- we should not merely judge the industry based on a number of situations where conflict arise from misconduct of only a group of individuals.
Topic 22: Government and Society
Keywords: Traffic and housing problems, moving large companies, factories to the countryside.
* Moving bussiness and thier facilities to the countryside will cause urban population to shrink substantially
1. --> Eg. Successful companies like Apple provide work for thousands of people --> Moving these companies will relieve pressure on urban housing supply systems.
2. --> Another apparent advantage of a drecreased population is lower volumes of traffic --> help reduce traffic congestion. --> Eg. Hanoi, most people travel to work by private vehicles --> leads to overcrowed roads during the rush hour. --> If big companies are based in a rural area and offer accomodation to thier employees near thier workplaces --> this will no longer be the case.
* Mentioned problems are rather complicated and can only be solved completely by the introduction of some other measures.
1.--> One example involves the development of road systems --> because narrow roads largely contribute to traffic jams in major cities --> Building wider roads and motorways will allow a greater number of vehicles --> therefore reduce traffic congestion.
2. --> Residents areas with small living spaces that can accommodate a growing population should be established in urban centers.
* Word Phrases:
- Increased traffic and lack of housing supply are major concerns in many places.
- Relocating...
- The issues can be properly addressed
- I personally find this idea justifiable
- some other initiatives should be implemented if we expect to solve traffic and housing problems effectively.
- one way to deal with traffic and housing problems
- we need a combination of this approach and a number of other actions
- to tackle these problems in a more comprehensive manner.
Topic 23: Family
Keywords: people's lifestyles are changing, family relationships
* Changing lifestyles bring about various positive impacts on family connections.
1. --> people are paying more attention to their well-being nowadays.--> family members tend to go to fitness centres together to lead healthier lifestyles --> spending time working out together will help to bridge the generation gap and promote better communication between family members.--> To illustrate when a child takes part in some forms of sports or physical activities with thier pareants, they will feel more open to share things and seek advice from them.
2. --> thanks to developements in technology, devices such as smart phones, tablets and laptop computers have not only become an indispensable part of our lives but also helped to make communicating with our friends and families much easier, particularly those who are separated by long distance.
* Change in lifestyles also have their downsides when it comes to family relationships.
1. --> the overuse of such technological devices --> can hurt family relationships --> Eg. if family members become too immersed in using thier devices for individual recreational purposes, like checking their social media accounts or browsing thier favourite websites --> they may neglect thier relationships with other family members --> Consequently, the amount of quality time that a family spends together is likely to reduce, negatively impacting family relations.
2. --> These days, people are becoming more and more career-oriented and are subsequently losing the balance between work and family life --> it has become more common that family members are less available at home, even outside of official working time --> leading to weakned family interations.
* Word Phrases:
- In the present age
- people have dramatically changed the way the live
- ...affects thier family relationships.
- this tendency comes with both positive and negative effects.
Topic 24: Tradition and modern lifestyle
Keywords: Large shopping malls, small shops.
* The boom in the number of shopping malls has offered customers a wide range of benefits.
1. --> people can now save time shopping thanks to the availability of many types of stores located in the one complex. Shopping malls offer groceries, clothing, and books, along-side food courts and entertainment facilities, all under the roof. --> this provide a lot of convenience to people who choose to shop there instead of in separate smaller stores.
2. --> Shopping malls usually offer more discounts and promotions that customers can benefits from.
3. --> Shopping malls also added advantage of large, convenient and safe parking facilities that smaller stores cannot provide thier customers.
* There are also a numbers of benefits to people and communities that shopping in small stores can bring.
1. --> Eg. family-run bussiness are more likely to provide friendlier and better customer services than larger shopping malls and chain stores.
2. --> Locally owned small businesses is better for local economies and communities in the long term , by providing more employment, profits and income to local people.
* Word Phrases:
- there has been number of shopping malls being built
- leading to the disappearance of small stores.
- this changing brings about both positive and negative impacts
- though the impacts are more negative in the long terms.
- the proliferation of shopping malls ...
- drive small local bussinesses out of bussiness
- have a negative impact on local economies,
- more profits being taken by non-local bussiness.
Topic 25: Education
Keywords: offer places to young students with the highest marks, people of all ages, even if they did not do well at school.
* High school students with higher grades are more deserved to attend iniversity
1. --> thier grades somewhat imply that they have superior academic skills compared to thier peers. --> they may have a better memory, logical thinking or time management skills. --> Such students are more likely to handle the immense workload and pressure at university.
2. --> Moreover, offering university places to only a limmited number of students would result in high-quality undergraduates --> Eg. most prestigious colleges in Vietnam, whose accepted rates are low, only recruit the highest scores in the national university entrance exam seem to be better at education and thier students may have better chance of success.
* Many people oppose the aforementioned idea since they belive that only accepting young academically-gifted individuals is unfair to older sudents or those who do not well at shool.
1.--> a student's age or performance at school does not always reflect thier potential to succeed at university. --> it is unethical to deny access to tertiary education to some students, especially in the world where formal qualifications are of great importance in gaining employment.
2. --> There is more to college admissions than just academic performance. --> many well known universities in America,live Havard or Yale, not only accept academically gifted students but also those who are particularly gifted in sport or art. --> this hepl to maintian a diverse community where each students is valued and rewarded for what they are good at instead of just academic excellence.
* Word Phrases.
- in today's society
- the acquisition of knowledge is the key to better carreer prospects
- having access to tertiary education in a life-chaing opportunity for many students.
- regradless of age and academic ability should be given equal educational opportunities
- I will discuss both views and state my opinion in the following essay
- accepting students with high marks is advantageous in some ways
- providing university places of students is more just and beneficial in the long run
Topic 26: Education
Keywords: Education for young people, education in adult populations who can not read and write.
* Goverment budgets in many countries, particularly in under developed and developing nations, are limmited.
1. --> if more funding is spent of improving adult literacy rates, the education of children and adolescents may suffer as a consequence of les funding.
2. --> maintaining a suitable level and quality of education, for both children and illeterate adults, may become an impossible task with limmited funding --> possibly negatively affecting the education of both groups.
* Due to a decrease in the number of blue-collar jobs, thanks to automatic processes, a large number on illiterate adults who work in such positions are being made redundant.
1. --> therefore increasing the unemployment rate due to their lack of literacy skills when searching for other types of work. --> this situation are not only reduces the standard of living for many people, but also is and underlying motive for a rise in social problems, such as crime, homelessness, and poverty.
2. --> Providing formal schooling to adults who cannot read or write proves to be a useful measure to reduce the negative consequences that may occur in a society with high levels of adult illiteracy.
* Word Phrases:
- immerse significant for a country's socio-economic development
- some people are covinced that...
- more money should be allocated for education illiterate adults
- I agree with this view to some extent and will analyse the issue in the following essay.
- state funding may not allow an adequate amount of money for ...
- to take effect
- if more money is spent on educating illiterate adults social welfare in such regions will benefit tremendously.
Topic 27: Lifestyle
Keywords: university students live with their family, others live away from home
* There are several benefits of living with families when going to local universities.
1.--> One compelling point is that students can minimize thier expenditure as rent, utility bills, and renovations are no longer concerns. --> Consequently, students can set aside financial worries and focus solely on thier studies and improve thier performance.
2. --> staying with families also means that students have to face with strict supervision and a lot of bindings --> they have to live by a norms and rules that thier parents set --> which can be restrcting and frustrating at times.
* Living away from home for further education can be a life time experience for many students.
1.--> Living far away from home can teach students invaluable lessons that can assits them when joining the future workforce. --> they have to take care of themselves as well as learn to tolerate and overcome difficult times --> which will not only help harness thier many skills but also provide them with a sense of freedom
2. --> Living on thier own means that students will have to shoulder a lot more duties and responsibilities without support from thier family, ranging from securing their academic result to balancing their budgets. --> experiencing such unpleasant situations can put students under great pressure --> which may result in stress-related illnesses.
* Word Phrases:
- students opt to stay with ...
- pursuing higher education
- to live far away
- I will analyse both the advantages and disadvantages of the two options.
- relieve students of financial problems
- deprive students of their freedom
- living in another accomodation, though provides salutary lessons
- may cause a lot of discouragement to undergraduates.
Topic 28: Economics
Keywords: Economic growth, end hunger and poverty, damaging the environment
* It is true that economic growth has taken a heavy toll on the environment
1. --> the ever increasing demand for industrial development has led to the construction of more factories and manufacuturing facilities --> which has significantly raised the volume of atmospheric greehouse gases.--> which are considered to be the main culprit behind global warming.
2.--> human activities such as clearing forests for farming are directly responsible for the loss of natural habitats for many wild plants and animals --> pushing these species to the verge of extinction --> This, together with the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, poses serious threats to the survival of mankind, especially with today's rapidly increasing population.
* Trying to stop the economy from developing, due to the drawbacks, is not a reational approach
1. --> Economic growth is still the most effective measure to tackle poverty and hunger. --> A healthy economy will create more employment opportunities for those who come from underprivileged backgrounds --> ensure stable income for these people. --> they will be able to ear enough money to cover basic living expenses.
2. --> economic growth also has a crucial role to play in the fight against hunger --> with a more generous budget to invest in argriculure development --> governments can invest in modern machinery to automate the labour-intensive processes of growing and harvesting crops. --> such a boost in productivity will increase food production and eventually put an end to hungry.
* Word Phrases:
- the only solution to end hungry and poverty.
- the harmful effects it has to the environment.
- In this essay, i will examine both arguments and then give my personal opinion.
- it is understandable why...
- government should rely on such a desperate measure
- ...are far more significant than the drawbacks.
Topic 29: Lifestyle and Housing.
Keywords: Few controls, the design and construction of housing and office buildings free to choose the design.
* There are many benefits of having less oversight on building design.
1. --> it gives scope for creatitivy --> this allows designers or house owners to be more open to new ideas and to freely experiment with nre materials and designs.--> which may eventually lead to the arrival of more innovative and unique buildings.
2. --> the freedom of construction design gives owners an opportunity to fulfil their personal preferences --> which may vary significantly from person to person --> while some may be passionate about a traditional design, others might enjoy a more modern perscpective.
3. --> A building should not be considered a mere shelter but a place where its owner feels a sense of satisfaction and contentment as well. --> in such circumstances, a loose regulation on the design and construction of buildings is obviously advantages.
* I believe that the disadvantages of this trend are more significant.
1. --> houses and other buildings which are built without any strict uniform building codes may be vulnerable to serious damage, esspecially due to natural disaster.--> eg. Houses in parts of central Vietnam, where a few regulations from the government on thier construction. --> Due to this lack of government control, whenever a fierce storm strikes the region --> thousands of houses lose thier roofs and even worse, are sometime comletely collapsed --> leading to both losses of lives and propery
2. --> without strict control on building design, the uniformity of a city can be distorted --> this may damage the look of city since the consistency in building design is often accompanied by beauty.
* Word Phrases:
- the residents do have the freedom to...
- there are limitted government regulations
- some clear benefits of such trend can be seen
- they are, in my view, eclipsed by the consideraion drawbacks
- there are many positive effects on...
- it seems to me that the advantages are overshadowed by the drawbacks.
Topic 30: Animal
Keywords: Animal species, become extinct, prevent from happening
* The environmental factors are not the primary contributor to the disapperance of certain species nowaday.
1.--> Industrial activities have been devastating the natural habitats of wildlife and disturbing the food chain --> causing the mass extinction of countless species.
2.--> The increased demand for goods made from animals' products, such as skins and horns, also leads to the rampant poaching of wild, endangered animals, rhinos for instance --> In this regard, humans are held accountable and should do what is needed to rectify the situation.
* Other justifications for saving animals involve the signigicant roles that they play in not only the balance of the ecosystem but also our lives.
1.--> Everything in nature is connected, and if one species becomes extinct, many other animals and even plants will suffer as the food chain is disrupted.
2.--> Wild animals also have great aesthetic and socio-cultural values --> they contribute to our rich bio-diversity that makes this planet a beautiful place. In numerous places around the world, many types of animals play an important role in different cultures --> Eg, in some religions, cows are revered and worshiped as gods.
Word Phrases:
- there are no compelling reasons for us to ...
- protect animal species from extinctions as it occurs naturally
- I personally disagree with this conviction and will support my argument in the essay blow.
- The disappearance of many animal species...
- It is our obligation to help preserve wild animals
- their extinction will have a severe influence on many important aspects of our lives.
Topic 31: Internet
Keywords: Shop, work and communicate, via internet, live without any face-to-face contact.
* We can now live with out any face-to-face interaction with other people, and it make modern life more convenient.
1. --> We can literally stay at home and have almost anything delivered to our homes as most consumer goods are widely available for online purchase.
2.--> We also have more opportunities in terms of employment because many applications like Skype and Google Hangouts allow employees to work from home.
3. --> Members of an organization nowadays rely on email and other online platforms to maintain effective communication and ensure thier businesses operate smoothly.
4. --> When it comes to personal relationship, we use Facebook to connect and stay in touch with friends and relatives
--> The Internet, without doubt, enhances our shopping experiences, make our workplaces more streamlined and efficient, and facilitates our communication with others
* We faced with foreseeable and unfortunate consequence due to our reliance on such technology.
1. --> We are losing direct interactions that are deemed extremely important in this technological era. --> Children hardly spend time talking to thier parents because they are too engrossed in media hype on Facebook. --> It is common to see both young and old people with their eyes glued to thier phones instead of having conversations like they did before the advent of smart devices. --> This is leading us toward a society where people will turn to favoring virtual interactions and undervaluing real life relationships.
* Word Phrases:
- the Internet having a huge impact on our shopping, work and communication
- this situation is a negative trend in the long run.
- the influence of the Internet on many aspect of our lives is remarkable.
- The benefits it offers do not justify the fact that...
- it is inflicting severe damage on our relationships
- which can only flourish on the basis of true communication
Topic 32: Education
* The first few years of a child's life are spent almost entirely in the company of thier parential figures.
1. --> These years are critical in the social development of a child, as they contain thier first attemps to communicate with other people to recieve the care and attention necessary for survival.
2. --> Most school children start their education between the ages of four to seven years --> therefore, they have already experienced a consideration amount of parential influence before teachers are even introduced to them.
* Other significant factorrs in the intelligence and social development of a child are the socioeconomic circumstances that they are brought up in.
1. --> The quality of child's social life, schooling and health are all socioeconomic factors that heavily influence a child. --> These factors are a direct consequnece of the circumstances brought about by the child's parents. --> better teachers will endow a child with greater intelligence and social skills --> however, better teachers are usually found at better schools. --> The attendance of a child at a goo school is usually the consequence of a decision made by their parents.
* Word Phrases:
- a significant role in a child's upbringing
- parents are far greater influence on the intelligence and social development of children than teachers.
- the company of thier parents
- beacause the socioeconomic factors of a child's life are ussually a direct consequence of the factors which is effect their parents.
Topic 33: Education
Keywords: high unemployment rate, primary education, secondary education
* Primary education does not provide any necessary work skills.
1. --> The fundamental aim of this early stage of education is simply to lay a basis for a student's cognitive development through learning of language, art and basic science. --> people who complete this level of education are not equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the workforce. While those people may find blue-collar employment, it is unlikely that they can get a decent job.--> Therefore, if a country with a high unemployment level only offers primary education to the majority of students, the outcome will not be worthwhile.
* Delivering secondary education to young students are of greater importance when it comes to improving the overall employment rate of a country.
1.--> In fact, nowadays, many middle and high schools hire a large number of secondary education degree holders who work better with younger age groups and are more familiar with the subjects taught at this level of education.
2. --> There are also many other types of non-academic careers, such as in the beauty and entertainment industries, that only require a secondary education degree --> we should restrict secondary education to a certain group of students who are deemed eligible because everyone deserves an equal opportunity to access education.
* Word Phrases:
- ... is a hopeless attempt
- I personally consider this to be a flawed argument, and I will explain my reasoning in the essay below.
- the best course of action to be adopted in the context of a nation
- ... is major contributor to combating unemployment.
- we should not dispense secondary education to only a select number of students as everyone has the right to be educated.
Topic 34: Responsibilities of the rich
* Becoming wealthy can enable people to ease the burdens of those in need.
1. --> This is because the wealthy people are generally less concerned about thier finances, and instead are more open to supporting others. --> Eg. in most all charitable organizations, their founders or philanthropists tend to be millionaires, or even billionaires, who are willing to donate a great deal of their fortune to individuals who need help
* Despite the undeniable positive social impacts created by helping people, being rich means a lot more than philanthropy.
1. --> In order to become the upper-class in society, most people have to overcome countless difficulties and try very hard to gain thier wealth --> therefore, when they become rich, it is reasonable that such individuals would want to enjoy their life to make up for those tiring days of hard work. --> Eg. there are numerous things that wealthy people can do, such as travelling around the world, dining in luxurious restaurants, or even purchasing jewellery or house. --> Such activities help people to be satisfied with themselves and prove that their hard work does pay off.
* Word Phrases:
- It is said that the most important thing ...
- being wealthy
- it allows people to help others
- having a great deal of
- a chance to lend a helping hand to the less fortunate
- it enable people to enjoy more things in life
- Although helping others is socially beneficial, it should be optional.
Topic 35: Overpopulation
* It is a proven that many problems exist due to overpopulation.
1. --> overpopulation puts a strain on the planet's natural resources. --> as people need fuel for thier cars, an increaing number of people has increased the demand for fossil fuel, such as oil and gas. --> these resources are unrenewable --> overpopulation will inevitably lead to the depletion of such resources quicker --> potential causing an energy crisis.
2. --> a dense population means a decline in the quality of people's lives. Eg. Life in big cities like Beijing, is a good example of this as there is not enough space to accommodate everyone, with lower-class families having to live in very cramped housing.
* Many issue are inherent in human society, regardless of population size.
1. --> War, for example, has existed since humans lived in tribes with only samll number of people. --> wars brings strife and destruction to societies.
2. --> discrimination based on race, gender and social standing has plagued millions of individuals, eventhough, these issues are unrelated to the size of the population. --> therefore it is inaccurate to say that over-population is the main culprit behind most of mankind's problems.
* Word Phrases:
- Many people consider overpopulation as the main cause of most problems in the world.
- From my point of views.
- the world's population explosion.
- there are other factors involved as well.
Topic 36: Competitiveness
* A highly competitive person is often considered to be conceited and self-absorbed.
1. --> Their realtionships with the people around them, especially relatives or romantic parners, usually suffer as they are unwilling to compromise when a conflict occurs.
2. --> An intense level of competition in a company caused by highly competitive employees can create an unhealthy work environment. --> This does not promote productivity, but makes some workers feel uncomfortable working together and many bring them closer to leaving the organization in search of a better workplace.
* Being competitive can be a positive attribute in many other instances.
1. --> Competitive people always strive to be better than other people, and they usually perserve until achieve thier goals. --> Eg. a sense of rivalry can boost a student's study performance and encourage them to work harder.
2. --> People with a competitive personality are also resilient and unlikely to give up when faced with setbacks. --> many competitive people are often competing against themselves and always putting themselves in a state of constant learning so that they can achieve better results.
* Word Phrases:
- People tend to be more competitive in modern society
- being competitive has a major influence on many aspects of a person's life.
- which con be considered both beneficial and harmful in certain situations.
- being competitive may sabotage a person's relationships with the people around
- negatively effect the workplace.
- being competitive can motivate people to work hard to reach their desired goals.
- people should find a balance and avoid being too competitive, otherwise the consequences can be severe.
Topic 37: Education
* The biggest difficulty for students when attending an exchange program is the financial burden on thier families.
1.--> Many parents whose income is at a low or average level may struggle to cover tuition fees and daily living expenses for their children, especially when students study in a developed country.
2. --> Students who travel to another country through an educational exchange program would not receive the medical coverage like the local people. --> if exchange student happens to encounter a serious health problem during thier stay, it will cause their family a fortune to cover the cost of healthcare services and medications in a foreign country.
* There are numerous benefits that can be gained from international student exchange programs.
1. --> studying abroad allows students to significantly improve thier foreign language skills --> when study in a new country, students will have the perfect opportunity to engage in conversations with their classmates and teachers, in both academic and general contexts on a daily basis.
2. --> studying in a developed country often gives students access to more modern and effective facilities and methods of learning.
3. --> although study abroad can be costly, all international students have equal opportunities to apply for scholarships and financial aid from the host country to ease such financial burdens.
* Word Phrases:
- I believe that the advantages are still more significant.
- financial problems may cause some difficulties for students and their families when participating in international exchange programs.
- the positive aspects such programs bring to students are well-worth the cost.
Topic 38: Environment
* Governments and corporations take responsibility for protecting the environment.
1.--> Government could enact laws to reduce the environment problems, large companies are capable of investing large amount of money in sustainabel development goals. --> However, the policies and campaigns will show no effect without the active cooperation of residents.
2. --> Eg. In Vietnam, although the gorvernment tries to raise the public's awareness of environment issues and even imposes heavy fines on those who violate environmental laws --> many beaches and the surrounding ecosystems have been badly polluted by the sheer number of visitors
--> there needs to be more action taken from individuals in such situations.
* All the combined actions of all people will have a profound impact on bigger picture.
1.--> Researchers found that an individual will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 1500 pounds per year if he leaves his car at home two days a week.
2. --> Eg. Another prime example is in waste management processes --> While residents can spend just a few minutes to separating thier biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste, it takes days for waste recycling plants to achieve the same task.
* Word Phrases:
- Environmental issues have becoming an increasing concern among individuals and governments in the modern world.
- some people reject the role of individuals ...
- I personally consider this to be a flawed argument, and I will explain my reasoning in the following essay.
- idividuals need to make a significant contribution to the process of keeping the planet clean.
- The matter can only be dealt with by simulataneous participation of governments, companies and residents.
Topic 39: Museum
* This issue might be attributable to two main reasons.
1. --> Museums and historical places are usually poorly conserved or refurbished due to a low budget for operation, the locals are often too familiar with these areas. --> Eg. there has been no appearance of new historical weapons and war relics for many years in the Air Defense museums in Hanoi, --> nothing new for local inhabitants to discovey.
2. --> Entrance tickets at some historical sites are expensive for local people to afford. --> eg. most residents in Dienbien, a province in northwestern of Vietnam, are struggling to make ends meet, let alone to spend money on visiting some famous historical attractions there.
* Some practical solutions are suggested to mitigate the problems.
1. --> local authorities should allocate financial resources for maintaining and refreshing the exhibits regularly in museums and historical places. --> As a result, more people will be interested in these documentaries
2. --> local autthorities should allow local residents to visit museums and historical areas for free in certain days of a year --> without any worrying about additional expenditures, these individuals will pay more visits to historical sites in order to broaden thier knowledge about their hometowns.
* Word Phrases:
- Travelers instead of local residents often visit museums and historical areas.
- There are some underlying reasons for this, and some feasible solutions would be analysed to address the problem in the essay below.
- I have presented several factors as well as tried to put forward some plausible measures to mitigate the problem in the above-mentioned arguments.
Topic 40: Family
* In a lot of countries, many people are now choosing to live in a nuclear family structure, where only parents and children live together, and grandparents live separately.
1. --> In the past, it is quite common in many countries for three, or even for generations of a family to all live under the one roof. --> this has also been a shift in the roles that various family members play. --> In the past, it was commonplace for men to have to work to provide for their families, and women to stay at home to cook, clean, and raise the children.
2. --> However, many women nowadays are choosing to work instead, while some fathers stay at home to help out with family and household duties.
* These changes can bring both positive and negative effects.
1.--> Nuclear family structures allow more freedom to parents who no longer want to live in their hometown, in order to pursue their career. --> many people need to live in large cities these days to find work; however, many older, retired people want to remain living in their hometown. --> one disadvantages of the nuclear family is that grandparents may not be available to help raise and care for grandchildren.
2. --> In terms of the changing roles, women have greatly benefited from the opportunity to pursue a career, and become the breadwiner of the family, instead of being a housewife. --> One downside of this trend though might be that some people would argue that women are better at domestic duties than stay-at-home dads.
* Word Phrases:
- there has been a number of changes within the structures of families, and the roles that family menbers plays.
- This essay will dicuss those trend,...
Topic 41: Sport
* Paying a big amount of money to sports people can be considered beneficial to sports.
1. --> When people find their career rewarding enough in terms of earnings, they are more likely to have greater motivation to devote hard work and time to their training. --> As a result, these athletes are able to enhance thier performance in competition and gain more medals for themselves or for thier own country. --> Eg. In Brazillian footballers are paid millions of dollars a year just to bring victory to their country, explaining why this nation has won so many championships.
* It is also advantageous for sports when businesses pour a lot money and support into the industry.
1. --> Eg. HAGL, a prosperous business in Vietnam, allocated billions of Vietnam Dong to the construction of a sports institue to provide young football players with professional training. --> the Vietnamese national football team has become much stronger
2. --> being well trained, players now have a better chance of winning more championships and awards than their predecessors. Other companies in Vietnam also use images of popular sports idols in advertisements on social media for another purposes. --> Aiming at all walks of life, they inspire people to have agreater passion for sports, potentially increasing the number of talented athletes.
* Word Phrases:
- proffesional athletes can earn a great deal of money as sports become a lucrative business.
- the business is supported by many companies for various ways, includign sponsorships and so forth.
- hept to improve the popularity of playing sport and leading a healthy lifestyle.
- athletes will have more incentives to improve their performance.
Topic 42: Transport.
* One main explanation for people losing interest in cycling is due to the need for a more efficient mode of travel.
1. --> people do not want to spend too much of time and effort while commuting, motor vehicles tend to be a more suitable and preferred choice.
2. --> the majority of people are becoming less environmentally conscious and more concerned about their own interests --> many people although fully awareness of how beneficial cycling is to the environment, still choose to use other means of transport that are harmful to the surroundings but more covenient for their lives.
* The authorities can attempt to promote the use of bicycles through a number of measures.
1. --> city coucils can provide more cycling lanes throughout towns and cities so it will be safer and more convenient to travel by bicycle. --> eg. In Amsterdam, there is more space for cycling than for cars --> leads to a large proportion of the city's population using bicycles as their main form of travel.
2. --> levying higher taxes on other types of vehicles, together with raising social awareness of environmental protection --> help increase the likelihood of people turning to cycling.
* Word Phrases:
- forms of transport that does not damage the environment.
- I will examine a number of reasons why cycling is becoming less popular and suggest several ways to encourage people to cycle.
- owing to the demand for efficient travel and the lack of environmental consciousness.
- the government is largely responsible for increasing use of ...
- the contruction of more cycling zones
- imposition of heavier taxes on other forms of transport.
Topic 43: Technology
* There are a huge number of benefits for both workers and students choosing this method of work and study.
1. --> people do not need to spend time travelling to school or their workplace as they can now easily access the internet at home to complete thier work --> people can not only save time but also minimize the risks and costs of using transport on a daily basis to commute.
2. --> working from home gives people a chance to manage thier work and leisure time more effectively. --> Eg. while people are required to sit in front of a computer and crunch numbers every day from nine to five --> people who work from home can easily manage their schedule better to suit thier needs in order to complete their work in a better state of mind.
* This trend also brings about positive outcomes for schools and bussinesses.
1. --> schools and bussinesses could save a lot of money that would otherwise be allocated to the construction and maintenance of buildings and facilities.--> that money could be invested in enhancing other things, such as updating study programs, or other facilities that allow staff and students to work more effectively --> help to build up the reputation of those institues as well.
* Work Phrases:
- with cheaper and more accessible computer technology...
- are opting to work ...
- In my opinion, this is a positive development due to several reasons.
- I hold a firm belief that working and studying from home is an advantageous trend as it generates many merits for all sides involved.
Topic 44: Transport
* It could be argued that providing citizens with faster forms of public transportation has brought about certain benefits.
1. --> faster forms of transport are said to allow people, particularly commuters, to reduce travelling time to and from work --> people will have more leisure time, and this will lead to an increase in thier work productivity.
2. --> people are less likely to be packed in cramped and hot buses --> they will not need to rush to get to work on time or get up so early in order to get a seat on a bus --> they will have more time to prepare before going to work or school, or to enjoy breakfast with their family.
* I believe that spending money on other vital aspects is more important
1.--> One of the most pressing concerns is environmental pollution --> there are more and more vehicles that are being used each year and exhaust fumes emiited from those vehicles have exerted a detremental effect on the atmosphere in most large cities. --> people are more susceptible to developing respiratory diseases and other kind of health problems.
2. --> another significant issue is the increasing cost of living, --> which leaves many people struggling to cope with basic daily needs --> if such situations are left untreated --> this may lead to a decrease in economic growth.
* Word Phrases:
- people have different views about...
- faster meands of public transpot would be a positive measure
- I would argue that further investment in other priorities should be made first.
- the advantages of improving speed of public transport.
- i am convinced that it is better to ...
- more urgent issues
Topic 45: Media
* A higher frequency of news stories focusing on negative aspects in society is not a good thing, and can have detrimental effects on people's mental state.
1. --> news about terrorism and war has become so common in the media --> people may hesitate to travel abroad in fear of suffering from a terrorist attack.
2. --> it can also lead people to misunderstanding about many aspects within society --> which should be given greater respect and recognition. --> Eg. many tabloids, such as Dispatch of Korea and 14Channel of Vietnam, have always reported the scandals of celebrities --> can mislead the public into believing in the flaws of showbiz, wheareas in reality --> it is an industry where many people have made many great contributions to society.
* The focus on negative issuses rather than positive developments is legitimate to some extent.
1. --> the media can be seen as an effective way to spread news, to even the most remote places --> this can help to bring people together in order to solve serious problems. --> the more people that are imformed about issues --> the sooner they can be solved.
2. --> it can raise the awareness amongst citizens --> the more negative stories appear in the media, the higher chance that people become aware of it and take action towards a solution. --> Eg. news coverage about cancer has now become a common topic in the media --> a large amount of people have switched to a healthier lifestyles.
* Word Phrases:
- mainstream media channels ...
- the problems and urgent issues in society.
- this trend is harmful to people
- such a tendency involves both positive and negative impacts.
- the accompanying negative impacts need to be considered.
Topic 46: Studying
* Studying in a group can bring students many benefits.
1. --> if students study with others, when a question regarding the subject they are learning arise --> they can discuss that question and have it fully and immediately answered. --> can greatly facilitate their learning process
2. --> students can have further discussions over the isses raised in their textbook or by thier instructor if they study in a group. --> Eg. a group a law students can discuss whether the practice of abortion is a violation of human rights or not. --> Each student have a chance to listen to the views
* Studying alone also proves to be effective for many students.
1. --> Some stdents prefer to study alone in a quite environment in order to better concentrate on studying and prevent themselves from being disturbed by others.
2. --> there are also other sudents who study more effectively if they are alone because this allows them to work at their own pace. --> eg. when studying independently, students can spend more time researching a topic that he or she is interested in or does not adequately understand. --> This is nearly impossible if that student studies in a group where members have to stick to the group's studying schedule.
* Word Phrases:
- people have different views about...
- work collaboratively with each other
- each study method has its own advantages
- ...can be equally advantageous to students
- students should adopt the studying method which they consider to be more effective and suitable for them.
Topic 47: Work - life
* This issue is often associated with some unwanted consequences.
1. --> having an unhealthy work life balance can have a negative effect on people's health since these individuals tend to sacrifice thier daily physical activities and recreational activities to work. --> this is long-term lead to an increased level of stress and stress-related illness.
2. --> Work-life imbalance can also give rise to growing problems with parenting --> the materialistic society of today drives many parents to becoming workaholics --> which lead them to spending less time taking care of thier children --> without adequate supervision from parents, children can easily go on the wrong track.
* Some practical solutions are suggested to mitigate the problem.
1. --> One viable step is that people need to consider and see what makes them happy and then set priorities in life. --> when they come home from work, they must learn to switch the office button off. --> By doing so, they will have more time to enjoy leisure activities and refresh themselves.
2. --> People should plan a flexible schedule for their life --> Eg. some days, they might focus more on work, while others might have more time and energy to pursue thier hobbies or relax with their loved ones. --> This will enable them to enjoy every part of their life.
* Word Phrases:
- most people fail to achieve the ideal work life balance
- discuss some effects and suggest ways to address the problems.
- work life imbalance can lead to some harmful impacts on people's health and family.
- some steps should be taken into account to mitigate this problems.
Topic 48: Sports
* Nobody can deny that sport is a great leisure activity.
1. --> Millions of people all around the world participate in sporting activities everyday simply because of the sense of well-being and relaxation that it brings them.
2. --> People play sport for numerous reasons, icluding, wanting to get fit or stay in shape, as a way to relax and take their mind off the stress of daily life, and a way to socialise and spend time with friends --> These reasons would indicate that people get involved in sporting activities as a form of leisure.
* Eventhough most people play sport for the personal benefits, it does also serve a number of usual functions within society.
1. --> sport creates healthier societies --> people who play sport are known to be happier and healthier, and less prone to certain mental and physical sicknesses --> which reduces the burdens on healthcare systems.
2. --> Sport brings people together and creates a sense of unity within societies --> this can be witnessed when complete strangers join together to cheer on and support their countries football team.
3. --> Sport teaches people many important life skills and lessons --> help people to function more effectively within thier society, making it a better place to live.
* Keywords:
- simply activities people do for leisure
- sport does have an important function in society
- for the purpose of leisure
- a number of important benefits to ...
* Topic 49: Study and work:
* Pursuing tertiary education immediately after finishing high school does have some disadvantages
1. --> some people know exactly what career path they wish to follow and are highly motivated to undertake the necessary steps needed to achieve their dreams. --> taking a gap year could serve as a waste of time and money for such people.--> it may even cause some young people to lose sight of their previous goals.
2. --> some young people may find earning money while working to be much more appealing than going back to study --> this could detract them from wanting to pursue further education --> which could have significant disadvantages in the long run.
* Taking time off from studying to travel or work has countless benefits for young people.
1. --> Although some high school graduates know exactly what they want to do in life, I believe that most young people have very little idea. --> this is largely due to the fact that kids these day live very sheltered lives and do not know much about how the real world actually fuctions. --> taking a gap year is going to allow them to get some real-life experience, and broaden thier horizons about their possible future career.
2. --> Kids these days are put through twelve years of schooling which can be exhausting for many --> taking a break to travel or work will help to prepare them for further education.
* Word Phrases:
- go straight to universitiy
- the advantages of ... far outweigh any disadvantages that this trend may bring.
- ...would be highly beneficial to ...
Keyword: Sports which are play in teams, individual sport.
*Team sports: Provide a number of benefits
1. --> the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills (teamwork and communication skills) --> Help in day-to-day social interactions but also benefit people in thier wordplace.
2. --> offer the chance to develop the sense of unity, friendship, sportmanship between teamates --> Add value to people's lives --> Making them feel a part of something.
*Individual sports: Have some merits
1. --> give the opportunity to enhance people's personal skills --> Manage emotions, cope with stress, build confidence and self-esteem.
2. --> have no one else to rely on for support --> Need to develop a strong mindset to overcome any setbacks thay may face.
3. --> provide better opportunity for people to challenge themselves --> by setting goals and achieving personal bests
* Word phrase:
- as opposed to...
- a range of benefits...
- it depends on...
- each individual wishes
- being able to...
- to be able to deal with...
- offer great benefits
- people's mental and physical health...
- choose whatever ...
- ...are most interested in...
Topic 2: City Life
Keywords: People living in large cities, problems, relocate to other place to live
* Problems living in city:
1. --> increased levels of pollution --> Due to high volumes of traffic --> Large quantities of pollutants --> The degradation of air quality --> A significant contributor to various types of respiratory disease
2. --> being bombarded with fake or exaggerated news and informations --> lead to consusion and social anarchy
* Encourage people move to regional areas
1. --> reduce the number of vehicles in cities --> Definitely reduce the levels of air pollution
2. --> fewer number of people --> relieve the pressure on the housing supply --> increase the quality of living spaces --> affect to mental health
* Word phrase:
- major problems
- pollution and informative overload
- encourage people to ...
- a great cause for concern among residents of big cities
- being released into the atmosphere
- lung cancer
- a large proportion of
- is hazardous to the health of citizens
- live in small, uncomfortable spaces
- have a direct impact on...
- servere air pollution
- a bombardment of information
- serious problems
- relocate to
Topic 3: Libary, Computer Technology
Keywords: public libraries, waste of money, computer technology
* Advantages of online sources of imnformation
1. --> online sources stores a huge amount of information --> is greater than any physical library --> researchers easily get the information with out having to travel
2. --> people can look for information whenever they want--> most libraries can only be visited several hours per day --> particularly beneficial people who have a hectic schedule
* The important of local libraries
1. --> it is the most popular means of accessing the information among senior citizens --> most elderly people these days are technophobes --> local libraries are preferred option.
2. --> be considered as more reliable source of information --> online sources are an abundance of incurrate and unreliable information --> while libraries proved to be a more reliable information source --> information being carefully categorized by library staffs
* Word phrases:
- is no longer necessary
- allow us to access
- a great deal of information
- clear benefits of ...
- it is still worth spending money on...maintianing public libraries
- the preservation of local libraries
- is still necessary
- their distinguishing features
- cannot be subsituted by ...
- one of the most...
- regardless of ...
- can be considered
- compared with...
- are good ground for rejecting the view that ...
Topic 4: Bussiness
Keywords: Bussiness meeting, discussion training, online
* Some major disadvantage of conducting meetings and training sessions online
1.--> the technical limitations --> reduce the effectiveness of discussions or meetings --> elderly people may find it hard to make use of lastest programs and softwares.
2.--> people may lose track of the progress of meeting --> due to slow internet connection or platform malfunction
3. --> lack of face-to-face interaction --> which is often concerned as the key to a successful meeting or training section --> lack of the physical presence of hosts or trainers --> people are easily distracted by non productive online activities.
* Advantages of virtual meetings are more significant
1. --> consume much less time and money --> all team members can join the conference from any place without need to travel
2. --> members can share the organise files and presentations easily and conveniently.--> the file can be edited or revised by other members --> facilitating collaboration within the whole team.
* Word Phrases:
- Holding bussiness meeting and training via internet
- ...has gained enormous popularity in recent years
- the drawbacks of this are varied
- the benefits are greater
- Conducting meetings and tranining sessions online
- some major disadvantages
- reduce the effectiveness of...
- online attendants
- would no doubt provide a more engaging and active meetings and training sessions.
- I am convinced that ...
- compared to...
- make long trips just to meet...
- online communication
- it seems that the merits of virtual meetings and trainings...
- ...more significant than the downsides.
Topic 5: Scientific Research
Keywords: Scientifi research, government, private companies
* Governmants play a leading role in performing researches.
1. --> scientific researches are the key to finding solutions for the pressing concerns of society --> develop vaccines against potential epidemics ; research into renewable energies to deal with global warming
2. --> ensure reliable and ethical methods used --> minimized the risk of being used for criminal activities --> Eg: nuclear power or weapons, terrorism or other warfare
* Useful scientific discoveries have been made by private institutions.
1. --> the invention of iPhone by Apple --> open era of smartphones and facilitated modern forms of interaction between people all over the world.
2. --> create the competition in the marketplace --> develop thier own products by conducting scientific investigation --> society will be benefited from new inventions and better products.
* Word Phrases:
- plays an important role
- the development of humanity
- the responsibility for conducting and managing researches...
- should be taken by...
- have the rights and duty to carry out research
- due to a number of reasons
- is crucial to
- these kinds of research
- require a great deal of spending
- can only be afforded by...
- To illustrate,..
- profit-driven companies
- should not be deprived of the right...
Topic 6: Traffic
Keywords: the only way, stricter punishment
* The benefits of implementation of harsher punishment
1.--> act as a deterant to would-be lawbreakers --> eg. motorist not wearing a helmet can be fined with 20-40$ --> people will be fear of facing punishment and advoid committing another offense
2.--> reduce traffic accidents --> eg. a significant number of anual road casualties because loosely enforced regulations --> once harsher laws was implemented --> there was a notable reduction in the total number of traffic accidents.
* There are still other effective measures to endure people's safety (not only stricter punishments)
1.--> heightening people's awareness about the consequences of committing driving offenses--> through the media
2. --> promoting the use of public transport systems such as buses or trains
3. --> the most effective method may be combine all the aforementioned ideas
* Word Phrase:
- an increasing number of...
- are concerned about...
- imposing stricter penalties...
- still a controversial
- ...can act as effective way
- deter people from commiting road offenses
- protect the welfare of road users
- more stringent punishment
- witnessed road casualties
- This is not to say that...
- enhance the safety of our roads
- to achieve the best results
- minimizing driving offenses
- maintaining the road safety
Topic 7: Family
Keywords: tradition, get together
* The reasons attribute for family members tend to eat together less frequently.
1.--> people these days tend to have havier workloads and more hetic schedules than in the past --> sitting down to share a meal might not be a convenient choice.--> eat out with friends, colleagues or bussiness partners near the workplace can be more suitable for their timetable.
2.--> the fast food culture of modern life can change people's eating habit --> because it is inexpensive food choice and can be found everywhere --> eg. people often grab a quick meal after a busy day at work or school --> they skip meals with their families when they go home.
* The trend has both positive and negative impacts on people.
1. --> in terms of benefits --> people are able to be much more flexible with thier time --> not have to show up at a fixed hour to have meals --> they can eat whatever and whenever they want.
2. --> in terms of negative effects --> lead to a weaker family bond --> continously eats seperately --> famaly members may not be able to share their thoughts, feelings with each other --> may feel isolated from each other --> lack of deep family connection
* Word Phrases:
- ...will put toward some explainations for this trend and an analysis of the potential impacts
- can be atrributable to two reasons
- the tendency of family members eating sperately is mainly caused by...
- the difference in the schedules
- the preference to eat fast food
Topic 8: Work
Keywords: Formal acedemic qualification, life experience, personal qualities
* The reasons for formal ecademic qualifications are more highly appreciated than life experience and personal qualities when it comes to recruiment process:
1.--> academic degrees are considered as a tool to measure the level of knowledge that students are capable of --> students need to pass many examinations and take part in many training courses --> this ensure that students have gained sufficient in-depth knowledge in major field that the company is looking for.
2.--> people have life experience and personal qualities are likely to lack a suitable amount of academic knowledge in their field --> they need to be trained for a long time
* The reasons why it is the positive development.
1.--> this trend bring some positive effects on society as a whole --> students will be motivated to pursue tertiary education --> for sake of the better career prospects
2. --> student can gain insights into thier chosen field and have a chance to compete with others
3. --> there more and more people entering university --> contribute to a society of more well-informed and educated citizens
* Word Phrases:
- the reluctance of employers to hire them for vacant positions
- sufficiently trained
- emphasis on formal academic qualifications
- instead of...
Topic 9: Building
Keywords: newly built houses, old houses, style.
* Some reasons why all building in a particular area should have the same style:
1.--> it will enhance a sense of community and equality within a residential area.--> the houses reflects the wealth and social status of its owners --> people may feel inferior and less confident when socialising with thier neighbours if thier house looks older, smaller and less atrractive then others
2. --> a house which stands out in the neighbourhood could potential make its owner the target of gossip or burglary
3. --> when houses share a common design --> it will be easier for the local government to supervise the process of contrucsion and make sure these building are safe for both inhabitants and neighbours
* Some reasons why residents should have permission to contruct thier house in a style of thier own preference
1.--> a good building should satisfy all three principles and durability, utility and beauty. --> not only be strong in design, but also inspire the owners by its aesthetic design --> people need to feel comfortable when they live in their house because it largely affects their spirit.
2. --> it greatly contribute to the diverse image of the town.
* Word Phrases:
- It is controvisal issue as to wether...or, wether...
- should be designed
- existing homes
- in a style of thier own preference
- the design needs to satisfy all necessary safety requirements.
- it should be people's right to...
- be built in a unique style
- there are certain justifications for...
- to be constructed
- according to...
Topic 10: Building
Keywords: intended use, outward appearance
* A magnificent looking structure can bring a wide range of benefits that should be taken into consideration.
1.--> it can remarkably raise the value of a building --> eg. commercial or shoping center it looks more attractive, professional and high-class.--> the more customers are attracted --> the more profits it can potentially generate.
2.--> an aesthetic design can contribute a lot to the apearance of a city --> may make it become one of the most distinguishing places on the map --> eg. a lot cities nowadays are well known for it's architectual beauty --> become popular destinations for tourist
* The purposes of building are the key consideration when designing it.
1.--> There are a variety of different building types--> eg: office buildings, commercial buildings, shopping centers, hospitals and schools.--> each one has its own purposes and a particular interior design to server those purposes. --> focusing on the functionality of a design first --> can bring out the best use of a contruction.
2.--> People use a particular place because of what it offers inside, not merely because what it looks like outside --> eg. if a company intends to erect a new office building --> they tend to choose design based on the inner working spaces --> to enhance the operation of the staff and the enterprise
* Word Phrases:
- People have different views regarding the importance of ...
- a building's function
- in comparision to ...
- exterior appearance
- i agree with the idea that...
- a contruction's purpose
- should be more highly value than ...
- for a number of reasons.
- it can not be denied that
- can benefit the building's owners enormous
- an importance factor
- it's function should recieve greater attention.
Topic 11: Education
Keywords: teach children, literature, own country, other countries
* Locally written works come with numerous benefits to students.
1. --> erich student's skills to use their own language --> through learning literature of their mother tongue --> students can learn art of using the language --> the flexibility in the vocabulary highlights used, the syntax of sentences, different ways to convey ideas; linguistic knowledge will gradually be built up --> benefit the students in their study and social communication
2. --> national literacy works give students an insight into their own culture --> eg. traditional literature, fairy tales, legends and fables --> students become familar with thier tradition, native terms and also national values which have been passed down from generation to generation --> they will develop a sense of national identity and patriotism
* Studying foreign literature is also advantageous for the following reasons.
1. --> it gives learners opportunities to expand their horizons by showing them bigger picture of the outside world --> having access to foreign historical events and cultures, commentaries on politics, society and stereotypes in literature from countries abroad --> foster students' awareness of the diversity of the world.
2. --> students will be equipped with a broader range of knowledge --> help them more prepared for globalized world --> students will have a grasp of the culture of foreign countries and adapt themselves in terms of manners, customs or behaviours if they live in the new environment or dealing with foreigners.
* Word Phrase
- it is argued by some people...
- is of greate importance
- from my perspective
- pices of art
- to begin with
- to be more specific
- develop comprehensively
Topic 12: History
Keywords: concentrate on, history and culture, own country, other parts
* Reasons why artifacts and works of national value should be given priority.
1.--> meseums and art galleries should be places that honor indigenous history and culture --> By going to these place, people gain a deeper understanding of thier nation (golden age and hard times that the country has been through) --> the exhibitions serve an educational purpose , instill patriotism and promote a sense of national pride
2. --> such places help to preserve traditional and historical values --> in 21st century, many minority ethnic groups are in grave danger --> loosing thier culture --> display of thier works and artifacts will help to perserve thier culture and the cultural diversity of a nation.
* Showing international works of art has several merits.
1. --> works from other parts of the world help to diversify the content of museums and art galleries --> admittedly, even though the value of mesuems and art galleries cannot be denied, thier failure in adopting changes and updating collections --> discourage people visit these places --> international works will add appeal and aid museums and art galleries attract more visitors.
2. --> if mesumes display international works, people will have more chance to gain knowledge and insight into other cultures as well.
* Word Phrases.
- ...have played a major role.
- conveying historical values for a long time.
- focus purely on...
- other with contradicting views affirm that...
- ...are also great worth
- Personally, i think both viewpoints are equally valid.
- the ultimate goal of ...
- to spread knowledge and wonder far and wide
- ...should be prioritized
Topic 13: Art and Culture
Keywords: governmental funding, art and culture, beneficial or not.
* There are more serious issues to address than investing money in cultural activities.
1.--> the deterioration of transport infrastruture in many cities --> the major reson to increase number of traffic accidents --> using money for the construction of new roads and highways --> bring immediate effects and save thousands of lives
2. --> nations across the globe are facing with many environmental problems --> require urgent attention --> pollution and natural resource depletion --> national leaders should join forces with scientists to combat these issue by allocating financial resources --> the development of renewable and environmentally friendly sources of energy --> no point to sending money on cultural activities before ensuring the safe and clean environment for citizens.
* Cultural activities play an important role in people's lives.
1.--> Cultural events, like Tet Holiday or Christmas --> the occasions when family members gather together --> help strengthen the sense of family and community --> further enrichs people's lives.
2.--> Cultural activities help to preserve cultural diversity, especially in such a globalised world where so much culture is being lost and forgotten --> Eg. Vietnamese government has contructed many museums that solely exhibit examples of ethnic minority culture, whose populations are decreasing at an alarming rate.
* Word Phrases:
- Opinion diverge on...
- the necessity of ...
- it is unnecessity investment
- ...would benefit if ...
- I will discuss both views and state my own opinion in this essay.
- ...are of greate significance and require attention and financial support from...
- it is also the government's duty to address issues in transportation and the environment to protect citizen's lives
- maintain a healthy environment for people to live.
Topic 14: Art and culture
Keywords: governmental funding, beneficial or not
* Many forms of art, especially literature, can deliver messages about the aprreciation of what we have in life as well as life itself.
1.--> Hundereds of literary works depict misery, misfortune and sorrow that still exist in life today --> send a strong message to those who do not appreciate thier lives
--> Eg. "The Goldfinch" narrates a story about the miserable life of the main charecter after the unfortunate death of his mother --> make us wonder wether we have become heartless toward our loved ones. --> technologies could manage to convey such a powerful message
* Arts teach us to cherish the beauty of culture and this is the fuel for our spiritual lives.
1.--> this is extremely important in a world that technology and science seem to fade our belief in the gravity of culture in daily life.--> the connection between art and culture is boundless --> traditional musics and ancient paintings can remind us where we came from and who we are. --> cultural identity is preserved in various forms of art.
* Word Phrases:
- in the modern era
- continual scientific and technological advancement
- artists are still gaining a lot respect from...
- there are a number of...
- to.
- arts can touch us to a much deeper extent
- help us value what we have
- remind us of the significant of our culture.
Topic 15: Tourism
Keywords: organized tour, remote areas, local people, environment
* The financial and socio-cultural benefits for the locals in remote areas are evident.
1.--> tourists visiting the regions have a high demand for goods and services --> willing to pay higher than average prices.--> boost local economies in remote areas --> eventually enhance living standards of the local people
2. --> tourists can provide a lot of experiences to ethenic people in remote areas through their interactions with local residents who are almost completely isolated from the outside world --> this can help them to broaden knowledge about a more civilized society.
* The hordes of tourists to remote regions still leave severe impacts on the environment in these area.
1.--> tourist offen litter where ever they go and do not bother to clean in areas they have visited --> this may lead to such conditions like dirty roads, clogged sewage systems in these places --> negatively and directly affects local people's living conditions.
2.--> indigenous people have to sacrifice thier natural resoureces to accommodat tourists' insatiable demands --> Eg. in several moutainous areas of Vietnam, local people cut down a vast areas of forest to make handicrafts or furniture for tourists --> these acts can contribute to the environmental deterioration in remote areas.
* Word Phrases:
- there has been a growing tendency for...
- this has some positive impacts on...
- the detrimental effects on the environment are more significant
- the issue is more of negative development
- the economy and societies in remote areas can benefit tremendously from organised tourism
- the negative environmental consequences that this situation brings are far more significant.
Topic 16: Health
Keywords: public money, prevent illness, treatment.
* A large proportion of state budget should be allocated to activities or campaigns that promote a healthy lifestyle.
1. --> a lot of diseases nowadays are actually the direct result of people's unhealthy habit. --> Eg. children eat fast food too much --> can suffer from a range of health issues, such as weight problems and obesity --> these diseases can be prevented if people are made more aware of the severe consequences of an unhealthy diet.
2. --> there are a number of incurable disease, such as HIV, AIDS and many forms of cancer --> although there are some treatments that can prolong the life of patients suffering from such diseases --> the better solution is obviously trying to prevent these diseases from occuring, instead of trying to cure them --> which offen place a heavy burden on patients's families.
* The treatment for people who are already ill should also recieve adequate funding, due to the fact that some diseases simply cannot be prevented.
1.--> Eg. people living in many tropical and coastal regions are highly vulnerable to water-borne diseases after a natural disaster, such as tsunami or heavy flooding.
2. --> there are also some illnesses and disorders that are inherited --> if a person suffers from asthma, it is highly likely that his children will also contract respiratory related diseases, regardless of thier diet or lifestyle.
--> These mentioned cases would be almost impossible for people and government to prevent. --> money needs to be spent on the treatment of patients.
* Word Phrases:
- order to fight disease
- should invest more money in...
- encouraging a healthy lifestyle
- I advocate this point of views.
- both promoting healthy lifestyle and spending money on the treatment of people who are already ill are equally important in the fight against diseases.
- ...should develop flexible plans to adapt to different situations.
Topic 17: Government and Society
Keywords: a "throw-away" society.
* The main reasons for the modern throwaway culture is greatly affected by cosumerism that encourages the mass production of short-lived goods and the consumption of those goods.
1. --> the market is flooded with cheap, single-use products --> make it easy to buy in large quantities and dispose them even before they become unusable.
2. --> the purpose for which we buy and use consumer products has changed over the past decades --> Eg. we no longer wait until clothes wear out to make new purchases; instead, our decisions to buy new clothes are heavily influenced by a number oth other incentives, such as it is better appearances or new fashion patterns.
* This practise inflicts severe damage on the environment
1. --> products which are throw away will cause landfills to become overloaded with massive piles of garbage --> only small proportion of which is disposed of properly to avoid harm to the environment. --> the rest of the garbage, usually non-recyclable and plastic items, is either buried underground or burnt. --> can increase air and land pollution levels --> direct harm the lives of people living in the throwaway society.
2. --> fuel the manufacturing of consumer products can be depleted due to the market's nonstop demand for those commondities.
* Word Phrases:
- It is now common to see...
- only use for a short period
- a number of factors that contribute to...
- this lead to a range of dire consequences.
- which will be outlined in this essay.
- wreaks devastation on our environment
- depletes our natural resources is formed largely by modern consumerism.
Topic 18: Global issue
Keywords: Time and money, protection of wild animals, human population
* I do not believe that much time or money is actually spent on protecting wild animals.
1.--> A large majoroty of time that people spend on such issue is voluntary work --> because they are passionate about saving and helping animals.
2. --> A large amount of money that is spent on these causes is from charity organisations --> which rely mostly on donations --> cannot tell people what charities that they should or should not donate thier time and money toward.
* Human and animals have equal right to live in peace
1. --> Humans are not the superior race on planet Earth --> the protection of wild animals and thier habits is extremely important --> because human activities are no doubt the main cause of most problems wild animal face --> human race has continued to destroy the planet and the natural habitats of wild animals --> people should be responsible for protecting them so that they can live wild and free, as is thier natural state.
* Word Phrases:
- there is some debates over...
- wildlife protection
- the protection of wild animals is extremely important
- preserving thier native animal species
- it is essential for the health of the planet
- maintain the diverse range of animals and wildlife within all ecosystems.
- the widespread devastation
- restore the healthy balance to the planet's natural environments.
Topic 19: Technology
Keywords: technology, the gap between the rich and the poor.
* Having access to the lastest and most advanced technology could bring a number of financial benefits to people
1.--> Advancements in technology have brought large changes in the way people work and do bussiness --> technology enhanced the productivity of most bussiness around the world --> particularly in manufacturing processes --> this has consequently boosted the profits of many companies --> possibly made many wealthy businessmen even richer --> increasing the wealth gap
* With an increase in the availability of many new technologies, it is also becoming more affordable for the large majority of people
--> It has provided more equal opportunities between people, whether rich or poor --> Eg. the Internet has become widespread throughout the world these days --> it has provided prople of all financial status access to a great deal of information that they can use to help them educate themselves in order to live better lives --> potentially decrease the gap
* Word Phrases:
- the availability of technoloy is widening the gap beetween ...
- access to technology
- has much impact on the gap between ...
- It is education and the acquisition and application of knowledge that may affect the wealth gap.
Topic 20:
Keywords: Media, good news.
* Bad news dominating the headlines is having undesirable influence on society.
1. --> Psychologically, this type of news, unless managed properly, may keep readers in a state of stress and lead them to experience trauma. --> Eg. Stories about ISIS slaughtering innocent citizens--> caused massive damage to people's mental state and instilled fear into thier minds
2. --> Frequent exposure to negative news can distort readers' perception of reality --> Eg. many media channels are trying to publish articles with the primary aim of attracting more viewers and therefore increasing profits. --> This, unfortunately, shape readers' outlook on society in a negative way
* Including good news in the media may have positive effects on the general public.
1.--> It helps restore our faith in humanity --> which inspires moral courses of action to uphold ethical social values --> can also have a positive psychological implication --> uplift people to become more optimistic and generally improve both physical and menthal health.
* Word Phrases:
- too focused on...
- increase viewership
- recounting more stories of good news can positively affect the moral behavior of a group of people.
- recieve more attention
Topic 21: Tourism
Keywords: International tourism, tension, understanding, between people from diffirent cultures.
* There are several instances of international travel creating social conficts.
1. --> A youtuber Logan Paul visited Japan and made fun of Japanese traditions and lifestyles --> this caused tremendous public outrage and prejudice agaist this young American.
2. --> Chinese tourists' inappropriate and selfish behavior during a buffet party in a Thai tourist destination
--> Even though these examples did not speak for the rest of American and Chinese populations --> it increased tension between the countries involved.
* In most cases, visiting a foreign country can help tourists understand more about local customs and lifestyles.
1.--> modern media, such as TV and newspapers, give people some foreign culture exposure --> overseas tourists tend to have more authentic and unique experiences --> lead to more profound understanding
--> This is extremely important because embracing cultural differences is key to establishing and maintaining social relationships in this day and age.
* Word Phrases:
- international tourism is generating enormous financial wealth
- become the primary source of income for numerous coutries around the globe
- cause tension
- my conviction is that...
- international tourism greatly facilities understanding between people of different cultural background
- internationl tourism allows overseas visitors to experience different cultures and therefore connects everyone through mutual understanding
- we should not merely judge the industry based on a number of situations where conflict arise from misconduct of only a group of individuals.
Topic 22: Government and Society
Keywords: Traffic and housing problems, moving large companies, factories to the countryside.
* Moving bussiness and thier facilities to the countryside will cause urban population to shrink substantially
1. --> Eg. Successful companies like Apple provide work for thousands of people --> Moving these companies will relieve pressure on urban housing supply systems.
2. --> Another apparent advantage of a drecreased population is lower volumes of traffic --> help reduce traffic congestion. --> Eg. Hanoi, most people travel to work by private vehicles --> leads to overcrowed roads during the rush hour. --> If big companies are based in a rural area and offer accomodation to thier employees near thier workplaces --> this will no longer be the case.
* Mentioned problems are rather complicated and can only be solved completely by the introduction of some other measures.
1.--> One example involves the development of road systems --> because narrow roads largely contribute to traffic jams in major cities --> Building wider roads and motorways will allow a greater number of vehicles --> therefore reduce traffic congestion.
2. --> Residents areas with small living spaces that can accommodate a growing population should be established in urban centers.
* Word Phrases:
- Increased traffic and lack of housing supply are major concerns in many places.
- Relocating...
- The issues can be properly addressed
- I personally find this idea justifiable
- some other initiatives should be implemented if we expect to solve traffic and housing problems effectively.
- one way to deal with traffic and housing problems
- we need a combination of this approach and a number of other actions
- to tackle these problems in a more comprehensive manner.
Topic 23: Family
Keywords: people's lifestyles are changing, family relationships
* Changing lifestyles bring about various positive impacts on family connections.
1. --> people are paying more attention to their well-being nowadays.--> family members tend to go to fitness centres together to lead healthier lifestyles --> spending time working out together will help to bridge the generation gap and promote better communication between family members.--> To illustrate when a child takes part in some forms of sports or physical activities with thier pareants, they will feel more open to share things and seek advice from them.
2. --> thanks to developements in technology, devices such as smart phones, tablets and laptop computers have not only become an indispensable part of our lives but also helped to make communicating with our friends and families much easier, particularly those who are separated by long distance.
* Change in lifestyles also have their downsides when it comes to family relationships.
1. --> the overuse of such technological devices --> can hurt family relationships --> Eg. if family members become too immersed in using thier devices for individual recreational purposes, like checking their social media accounts or browsing thier favourite websites --> they may neglect thier relationships with other family members --> Consequently, the amount of quality time that a family spends together is likely to reduce, negatively impacting family relations.
2. --> These days, people are becoming more and more career-oriented and are subsequently losing the balance between work and family life --> it has become more common that family members are less available at home, even outside of official working time --> leading to weakned family interations.
* Word Phrases:
- In the present age
- people have dramatically changed the way the live
- ...affects thier family relationships.
- this tendency comes with both positive and negative effects.
Topic 24: Tradition and modern lifestyle
Keywords: Large shopping malls, small shops.
* The boom in the number of shopping malls has offered customers a wide range of benefits.
1. --> people can now save time shopping thanks to the availability of many types of stores located in the one complex. Shopping malls offer groceries, clothing, and books, along-side food courts and entertainment facilities, all under the roof. --> this provide a lot of convenience to people who choose to shop there instead of in separate smaller stores.
2. --> Shopping malls usually offer more discounts and promotions that customers can benefits from.
3. --> Shopping malls also added advantage of large, convenient and safe parking facilities that smaller stores cannot provide thier customers.
* There are also a numbers of benefits to people and communities that shopping in small stores can bring.
1. --> Eg. family-run bussiness are more likely to provide friendlier and better customer services than larger shopping malls and chain stores.
2. --> Locally owned small businesses is better for local economies and communities in the long term , by providing more employment, profits and income to local people.
* Word Phrases:
- there has been number of shopping malls being built
- leading to the disappearance of small stores.
- this changing brings about both positive and negative impacts
- though the impacts are more negative in the long terms.
- the proliferation of shopping malls ...
- drive small local bussinesses out of bussiness
- have a negative impact on local economies,
- more profits being taken by non-local bussiness.
Topic 25: Education
Keywords: offer places to young students with the highest marks, people of all ages, even if they did not do well at school.
* High school students with higher grades are more deserved to attend iniversity
1. --> thier grades somewhat imply that they have superior academic skills compared to thier peers. --> they may have a better memory, logical thinking or time management skills. --> Such students are more likely to handle the immense workload and pressure at university.
2. --> Moreover, offering university places to only a limmited number of students would result in high-quality undergraduates --> Eg. most prestigious colleges in Vietnam, whose accepted rates are low, only recruit the highest scores in the national university entrance exam seem to be better at education and thier students may have better chance of success.
* Many people oppose the aforementioned idea since they belive that only accepting young academically-gifted individuals is unfair to older sudents or those who do not well at shool.
1.--> a student's age or performance at school does not always reflect thier potential to succeed at university. --> it is unethical to deny access to tertiary education to some students, especially in the world where formal qualifications are of great importance in gaining employment.
2. --> There is more to college admissions than just academic performance. --> many well known universities in America,live Havard or Yale, not only accept academically gifted students but also those who are particularly gifted in sport or art. --> this hepl to maintian a diverse community where each students is valued and rewarded for what they are good at instead of just academic excellence.
* Word Phrases.
- in today's society
- the acquisition of knowledge is the key to better carreer prospects
- having access to tertiary education in a life-chaing opportunity for many students.
- regradless of age and academic ability should be given equal educational opportunities
- I will discuss both views and state my opinion in the following essay
- accepting students with high marks is advantageous in some ways
- providing university places of students is more just and beneficial in the long run
Topic 26: Education
Keywords: Education for young people, education in adult populations who can not read and write.
* Goverment budgets in many countries, particularly in under developed and developing nations, are limmited.
1. --> if more funding is spent of improving adult literacy rates, the education of children and adolescents may suffer as a consequence of les funding.
2. --> maintaining a suitable level and quality of education, for both children and illeterate adults, may become an impossible task with limmited funding --> possibly negatively affecting the education of both groups.
* Due to a decrease in the number of blue-collar jobs, thanks to automatic processes, a large number on illiterate adults who work in such positions are being made redundant.
1. --> therefore increasing the unemployment rate due to their lack of literacy skills when searching for other types of work. --> this situation are not only reduces the standard of living for many people, but also is and underlying motive for a rise in social problems, such as crime, homelessness, and poverty.
2. --> Providing formal schooling to adults who cannot read or write proves to be a useful measure to reduce the negative consequences that may occur in a society with high levels of adult illiteracy.
* Word Phrases:
- immerse significant for a country's socio-economic development
- some people are covinced that...
- more money should be allocated for education illiterate adults
- I agree with this view to some extent and will analyse the issue in the following essay.
- state funding may not allow an adequate amount of money for ...
- to take effect
- if more money is spent on educating illiterate adults social welfare in such regions will benefit tremendously.
Topic 27: Lifestyle
Keywords: university students live with their family, others live away from home
* There are several benefits of living with families when going to local universities.
1.--> One compelling point is that students can minimize thier expenditure as rent, utility bills, and renovations are no longer concerns. --> Consequently, students can set aside financial worries and focus solely on thier studies and improve thier performance.
2. --> staying with families also means that students have to face with strict supervision and a lot of bindings --> they have to live by a norms and rules that thier parents set --> which can be restrcting and frustrating at times.
* Living away from home for further education can be a life time experience for many students.
1.--> Living far away from home can teach students invaluable lessons that can assits them when joining the future workforce. --> they have to take care of themselves as well as learn to tolerate and overcome difficult times --> which will not only help harness thier many skills but also provide them with a sense of freedom
2. --> Living on thier own means that students will have to shoulder a lot more duties and responsibilities without support from thier family, ranging from securing their academic result to balancing their budgets. --> experiencing such unpleasant situations can put students under great pressure --> which may result in stress-related illnesses.
* Word Phrases:
- students opt to stay with ...
- pursuing higher education
- to live far away
- I will analyse both the advantages and disadvantages of the two options.
- relieve students of financial problems
- deprive students of their freedom
- living in another accomodation, though provides salutary lessons
- may cause a lot of discouragement to undergraduates.
Topic 28: Economics
Keywords: Economic growth, end hunger and poverty, damaging the environment
* It is true that economic growth has taken a heavy toll on the environment
1. --> the ever increasing demand for industrial development has led to the construction of more factories and manufacuturing facilities --> which has significantly raised the volume of atmospheric greehouse gases.--> which are considered to be the main culprit behind global warming.
2.--> human activities such as clearing forests for farming are directly responsible for the loss of natural habitats for many wild plants and animals --> pushing these species to the verge of extinction --> This, together with the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, poses serious threats to the survival of mankind, especially with today's rapidly increasing population.
* Trying to stop the economy from developing, due to the drawbacks, is not a reational approach
1. --> Economic growth is still the most effective measure to tackle poverty and hunger. --> A healthy economy will create more employment opportunities for those who come from underprivileged backgrounds --> ensure stable income for these people. --> they will be able to ear enough money to cover basic living expenses.
2. --> economic growth also has a crucial role to play in the fight against hunger --> with a more generous budget to invest in argriculure development --> governments can invest in modern machinery to automate the labour-intensive processes of growing and harvesting crops. --> such a boost in productivity will increase food production and eventually put an end to hungry.
* Word Phrases:
- the only solution to end hungry and poverty.
- the harmful effects it has to the environment.
- In this essay, i will examine both arguments and then give my personal opinion.
- it is understandable why...
- government should rely on such a desperate measure
- ...are far more significant than the drawbacks.
Topic 29: Lifestyle and Housing.
Keywords: Few controls, the design and construction of housing and office buildings free to choose the design.
* There are many benefits of having less oversight on building design.
1. --> it gives scope for creatitivy --> this allows designers or house owners to be more open to new ideas and to freely experiment with nre materials and designs.--> which may eventually lead to the arrival of more innovative and unique buildings.
2. --> the freedom of construction design gives owners an opportunity to fulfil their personal preferences --> which may vary significantly from person to person --> while some may be passionate about a traditional design, others might enjoy a more modern perscpective.
3. --> A building should not be considered a mere shelter but a place where its owner feels a sense of satisfaction and contentment as well. --> in such circumstances, a loose regulation on the design and construction of buildings is obviously advantages.
* I believe that the disadvantages of this trend are more significant.
1. --> houses and other buildings which are built without any strict uniform building codes may be vulnerable to serious damage, esspecially due to natural disaster.--> eg. Houses in parts of central Vietnam, where a few regulations from the government on thier construction. --> Due to this lack of government control, whenever a fierce storm strikes the region --> thousands of houses lose thier roofs and even worse, are sometime comletely collapsed --> leading to both losses of lives and propery
2. --> without strict control on building design, the uniformity of a city can be distorted --> this may damage the look of city since the consistency in building design is often accompanied by beauty.
* Word Phrases:
- the residents do have the freedom to...
- there are limitted government regulations
- some clear benefits of such trend can be seen
- they are, in my view, eclipsed by the consideraion drawbacks
- there are many positive effects on...
- it seems to me that the advantages are overshadowed by the drawbacks.
Topic 30: Animal
Keywords: Animal species, become extinct, prevent from happening
* The environmental factors are not the primary contributor to the disapperance of certain species nowaday.
1.--> Industrial activities have been devastating the natural habitats of wildlife and disturbing the food chain --> causing the mass extinction of countless species.
2.--> The increased demand for goods made from animals' products, such as skins and horns, also leads to the rampant poaching of wild, endangered animals, rhinos for instance --> In this regard, humans are held accountable and should do what is needed to rectify the situation.
* Other justifications for saving animals involve the signigicant roles that they play in not only the balance of the ecosystem but also our lives.
1.--> Everything in nature is connected, and if one species becomes extinct, many other animals and even plants will suffer as the food chain is disrupted.
2.--> Wild animals also have great aesthetic and socio-cultural values --> they contribute to our rich bio-diversity that makes this planet a beautiful place. In numerous places around the world, many types of animals play an important role in different cultures --> Eg, in some religions, cows are revered and worshiped as gods.
Word Phrases:
- there are no compelling reasons for us to ...
- protect animal species from extinctions as it occurs naturally
- I personally disagree with this conviction and will support my argument in the essay blow.
- The disappearance of many animal species...
- It is our obligation to help preserve wild animals
- their extinction will have a severe influence on many important aspects of our lives.
Topic 31: Internet
Keywords: Shop, work and communicate, via internet, live without any face-to-face contact.
* We can now live with out any face-to-face interaction with other people, and it make modern life more convenient.
1. --> We can literally stay at home and have almost anything delivered to our homes as most consumer goods are widely available for online purchase.
2.--> We also have more opportunities in terms of employment because many applications like Skype and Google Hangouts allow employees to work from home.
3. --> Members of an organization nowadays rely on email and other online platforms to maintain effective communication and ensure thier businesses operate smoothly.
4. --> When it comes to personal relationship, we use Facebook to connect and stay in touch with friends and relatives
--> The Internet, without doubt, enhances our shopping experiences, make our workplaces more streamlined and efficient, and facilitates our communication with others
* We faced with foreseeable and unfortunate consequence due to our reliance on such technology.
1. --> We are losing direct interactions that are deemed extremely important in this technological era. --> Children hardly spend time talking to thier parents because they are too engrossed in media hype on Facebook. --> It is common to see both young and old people with their eyes glued to thier phones instead of having conversations like they did before the advent of smart devices. --> This is leading us toward a society where people will turn to favoring virtual interactions and undervaluing real life relationships.
* Word Phrases:
- the Internet having a huge impact on our shopping, work and communication
- this situation is a negative trend in the long run.
- the influence of the Internet on many aspect of our lives is remarkable.
- The benefits it offers do not justify the fact that...
- it is inflicting severe damage on our relationships
- which can only flourish on the basis of true communication
Topic 32: Education
* The first few years of a child's life are spent almost entirely in the company of thier parential figures.
1. --> These years are critical in the social development of a child, as they contain thier first attemps to communicate with other people to recieve the care and attention necessary for survival.
2. --> Most school children start their education between the ages of four to seven years --> therefore, they have already experienced a consideration amount of parential influence before teachers are even introduced to them.
* Other significant factorrs in the intelligence and social development of a child are the socioeconomic circumstances that they are brought up in.
1. --> The quality of child's social life, schooling and health are all socioeconomic factors that heavily influence a child. --> These factors are a direct consequnece of the circumstances brought about by the child's parents. --> better teachers will endow a child with greater intelligence and social skills --> however, better teachers are usually found at better schools. --> The attendance of a child at a goo school is usually the consequence of a decision made by their parents.
* Word Phrases:
- a significant role in a child's upbringing
- parents are far greater influence on the intelligence and social development of children than teachers.
- the company of thier parents
- beacause the socioeconomic factors of a child's life are ussually a direct consequence of the factors which is effect their parents.
Topic 33: Education
Keywords: high unemployment rate, primary education, secondary education
* Primary education does not provide any necessary work skills.
1. --> The fundamental aim of this early stage of education is simply to lay a basis for a student's cognitive development through learning of language, art and basic science. --> people who complete this level of education are not equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the workforce. While those people may find blue-collar employment, it is unlikely that they can get a decent job.--> Therefore, if a country with a high unemployment level only offers primary education to the majority of students, the outcome will not be worthwhile.
* Delivering secondary education to young students are of greater importance when it comes to improving the overall employment rate of a country.
1.--> In fact, nowadays, many middle and high schools hire a large number of secondary education degree holders who work better with younger age groups and are more familiar with the subjects taught at this level of education.
2. --> There are also many other types of non-academic careers, such as in the beauty and entertainment industries, that only require a secondary education degree --> we should restrict secondary education to a certain group of students who are deemed eligible because everyone deserves an equal opportunity to access education.
* Word Phrases:
- ... is a hopeless attempt
- I personally consider this to be a flawed argument, and I will explain my reasoning in the essay below.
- the best course of action to be adopted in the context of a nation
- ... is major contributor to combating unemployment.
- we should not dispense secondary education to only a select number of students as everyone has the right to be educated.
Topic 34: Responsibilities of the rich
* Becoming wealthy can enable people to ease the burdens of those in need.
1. --> This is because the wealthy people are generally less concerned about thier finances, and instead are more open to supporting others. --> Eg. in most all charitable organizations, their founders or philanthropists tend to be millionaires, or even billionaires, who are willing to donate a great deal of their fortune to individuals who need help
* Despite the undeniable positive social impacts created by helping people, being rich means a lot more than philanthropy.
1. --> In order to become the upper-class in society, most people have to overcome countless difficulties and try very hard to gain thier wealth --> therefore, when they become rich, it is reasonable that such individuals would want to enjoy their life to make up for those tiring days of hard work. --> Eg. there are numerous things that wealthy people can do, such as travelling around the world, dining in luxurious restaurants, or even purchasing jewellery or house. --> Such activities help people to be satisfied with themselves and prove that their hard work does pay off.
* Word Phrases:
- It is said that the most important thing ...
- being wealthy
- it allows people to help others
- having a great deal of
- a chance to lend a helping hand to the less fortunate
- it enable people to enjoy more things in life
- Although helping others is socially beneficial, it should be optional.
Topic 35: Overpopulation
* It is a proven that many problems exist due to overpopulation.
1. --> overpopulation puts a strain on the planet's natural resources. --> as people need fuel for thier cars, an increaing number of people has increased the demand for fossil fuel, such as oil and gas. --> these resources are unrenewable --> overpopulation will inevitably lead to the depletion of such resources quicker --> potential causing an energy crisis.
2. --> a dense population means a decline in the quality of people's lives. Eg. Life in big cities like Beijing, is a good example of this as there is not enough space to accommodate everyone, with lower-class families having to live in very cramped housing.
* Many issue are inherent in human society, regardless of population size.
1. --> War, for example, has existed since humans lived in tribes with only samll number of people. --> wars brings strife and destruction to societies.
2. --> discrimination based on race, gender and social standing has plagued millions of individuals, eventhough, these issues are unrelated to the size of the population. --> therefore it is inaccurate to say that over-population is the main culprit behind most of mankind's problems.
* Word Phrases:
- Many people consider overpopulation as the main cause of most problems in the world.
- From my point of views.
- the world's population explosion.
- there are other factors involved as well.
Topic 36: Competitiveness
* A highly competitive person is often considered to be conceited and self-absorbed.
1. --> Their realtionships with the people around them, especially relatives or romantic parners, usually suffer as they are unwilling to compromise when a conflict occurs.
2. --> An intense level of competition in a company caused by highly competitive employees can create an unhealthy work environment. --> This does not promote productivity, but makes some workers feel uncomfortable working together and many bring them closer to leaving the organization in search of a better workplace.
* Being competitive can be a positive attribute in many other instances.
1. --> Competitive people always strive to be better than other people, and they usually perserve until achieve thier goals. --> Eg. a sense of rivalry can boost a student's study performance and encourage them to work harder.
2. --> People with a competitive personality are also resilient and unlikely to give up when faced with setbacks. --> many competitive people are often competing against themselves and always putting themselves in a state of constant learning so that they can achieve better results.
* Word Phrases:
- People tend to be more competitive in modern society
- being competitive has a major influence on many aspects of a person's life.
- which con be considered both beneficial and harmful in certain situations.
- being competitive may sabotage a person's relationships with the people around
- negatively effect the workplace.
- being competitive can motivate people to work hard to reach their desired goals.
- people should find a balance and avoid being too competitive, otherwise the consequences can be severe.
Topic 37: Education
* The biggest difficulty for students when attending an exchange program is the financial burden on thier families.
1.--> Many parents whose income is at a low or average level may struggle to cover tuition fees and daily living expenses for their children, especially when students study in a developed country.
2. --> Students who travel to another country through an educational exchange program would not receive the medical coverage like the local people. --> if exchange student happens to encounter a serious health problem during thier stay, it will cause their family a fortune to cover the cost of healthcare services and medications in a foreign country.
* There are numerous benefits that can be gained from international student exchange programs.
1. --> studying abroad allows students to significantly improve thier foreign language skills --> when study in a new country, students will have the perfect opportunity to engage in conversations with their classmates and teachers, in both academic and general contexts on a daily basis.
2. --> studying in a developed country often gives students access to more modern and effective facilities and methods of learning.
3. --> although study abroad can be costly, all international students have equal opportunities to apply for scholarships and financial aid from the host country to ease such financial burdens.
* Word Phrases:
- I believe that the advantages are still more significant.
- financial problems may cause some difficulties for students and their families when participating in international exchange programs.
- the positive aspects such programs bring to students are well-worth the cost.
Topic 38: Environment
* Governments and corporations take responsibility for protecting the environment.
1.--> Government could enact laws to reduce the environment problems, large companies are capable of investing large amount of money in sustainabel development goals. --> However, the policies and campaigns will show no effect without the active cooperation of residents.
2. --> Eg. In Vietnam, although the gorvernment tries to raise the public's awareness of environment issues and even imposes heavy fines on those who violate environmental laws --> many beaches and the surrounding ecosystems have been badly polluted by the sheer number of visitors
--> there needs to be more action taken from individuals in such situations.
* All the combined actions of all people will have a profound impact on bigger picture.
1.--> Researchers found that an individual will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 1500 pounds per year if he leaves his car at home two days a week.
2. --> Eg. Another prime example is in waste management processes --> While residents can spend just a few minutes to separating thier biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste, it takes days for waste recycling plants to achieve the same task.
* Word Phrases:
- Environmental issues have becoming an increasing concern among individuals and governments in the modern world.
- some people reject the role of individuals ...
- I personally consider this to be a flawed argument, and I will explain my reasoning in the following essay.
- idividuals need to make a significant contribution to the process of keeping the planet clean.
- The matter can only be dealt with by simulataneous participation of governments, companies and residents.
Topic 39: Museum
* This issue might be attributable to two main reasons.
1. --> Museums and historical places are usually poorly conserved or refurbished due to a low budget for operation, the locals are often too familiar with these areas. --> Eg. there has been no appearance of new historical weapons and war relics for many years in the Air Defense museums in Hanoi, --> nothing new for local inhabitants to discovey.
2. --> Entrance tickets at some historical sites are expensive for local people to afford. --> eg. most residents in Dienbien, a province in northwestern of Vietnam, are struggling to make ends meet, let alone to spend money on visiting some famous historical attractions there.
* Some practical solutions are suggested to mitigate the problems.
1. --> local authorities should allocate financial resources for maintaining and refreshing the exhibits regularly in museums and historical places. --> As a result, more people will be interested in these documentaries
2. --> local autthorities should allow local residents to visit museums and historical areas for free in certain days of a year --> without any worrying about additional expenditures, these individuals will pay more visits to historical sites in order to broaden thier knowledge about their hometowns.
* Word Phrases:
- Travelers instead of local residents often visit museums and historical areas.
- There are some underlying reasons for this, and some feasible solutions would be analysed to address the problem in the essay below.
- I have presented several factors as well as tried to put forward some plausible measures to mitigate the problem in the above-mentioned arguments.
Topic 40: Family
* In a lot of countries, many people are now choosing to live in a nuclear family structure, where only parents and children live together, and grandparents live separately.
1. --> In the past, it is quite common in many countries for three, or even for generations of a family to all live under the one roof. --> this has also been a shift in the roles that various family members play. --> In the past, it was commonplace for men to have to work to provide for their families, and women to stay at home to cook, clean, and raise the children.
2. --> However, many women nowadays are choosing to work instead, while some fathers stay at home to help out with family and household duties.
* These changes can bring both positive and negative effects.
1.--> Nuclear family structures allow more freedom to parents who no longer want to live in their hometown, in order to pursue their career. --> many people need to live in large cities these days to find work; however, many older, retired people want to remain living in their hometown. --> one disadvantages of the nuclear family is that grandparents may not be available to help raise and care for grandchildren.
2. --> In terms of the changing roles, women have greatly benefited from the opportunity to pursue a career, and become the breadwiner of the family, instead of being a housewife. --> One downside of this trend though might be that some people would argue that women are better at domestic duties than stay-at-home dads.
* Word Phrases:
- there has been a number of changes within the structures of families, and the roles that family menbers plays.
- This essay will dicuss those trend,...
Topic 41: Sport
* Paying a big amount of money to sports people can be considered beneficial to sports.
1. --> When people find their career rewarding enough in terms of earnings, they are more likely to have greater motivation to devote hard work and time to their training. --> As a result, these athletes are able to enhance thier performance in competition and gain more medals for themselves or for thier own country. --> Eg. In Brazillian footballers are paid millions of dollars a year just to bring victory to their country, explaining why this nation has won so many championships.
* It is also advantageous for sports when businesses pour a lot money and support into the industry.
1. --> Eg. HAGL, a prosperous business in Vietnam, allocated billions of Vietnam Dong to the construction of a sports institue to provide young football players with professional training. --> the Vietnamese national football team has become much stronger
2. --> being well trained, players now have a better chance of winning more championships and awards than their predecessors. Other companies in Vietnam also use images of popular sports idols in advertisements on social media for another purposes. --> Aiming at all walks of life, they inspire people to have agreater passion for sports, potentially increasing the number of talented athletes.
* Word Phrases:
- proffesional athletes can earn a great deal of money as sports become a lucrative business.
- the business is supported by many companies for various ways, includign sponsorships and so forth.
- hept to improve the popularity of playing sport and leading a healthy lifestyle.
- athletes will have more incentives to improve their performance.
Topic 42: Transport.
* One main explanation for people losing interest in cycling is due to the need for a more efficient mode of travel.
1. --> people do not want to spend too much of time and effort while commuting, motor vehicles tend to be a more suitable and preferred choice.
2. --> the majority of people are becoming less environmentally conscious and more concerned about their own interests --> many people although fully awareness of how beneficial cycling is to the environment, still choose to use other means of transport that are harmful to the surroundings but more covenient for their lives.
* The authorities can attempt to promote the use of bicycles through a number of measures.
1. --> city coucils can provide more cycling lanes throughout towns and cities so it will be safer and more convenient to travel by bicycle. --> eg. In Amsterdam, there is more space for cycling than for cars --> leads to a large proportion of the city's population using bicycles as their main form of travel.
2. --> levying higher taxes on other types of vehicles, together with raising social awareness of environmental protection --> help increase the likelihood of people turning to cycling.
* Word Phrases:
- forms of transport that does not damage the environment.
- I will examine a number of reasons why cycling is becoming less popular and suggest several ways to encourage people to cycle.
- owing to the demand for efficient travel and the lack of environmental consciousness.
- the government is largely responsible for increasing use of ...
- the contruction of more cycling zones
- imposition of heavier taxes on other forms of transport.
Topic 43: Technology
* There are a huge number of benefits for both workers and students choosing this method of work and study.
1. --> people do not need to spend time travelling to school or their workplace as they can now easily access the internet at home to complete thier work --> people can not only save time but also minimize the risks and costs of using transport on a daily basis to commute.
2. --> working from home gives people a chance to manage thier work and leisure time more effectively. --> Eg. while people are required to sit in front of a computer and crunch numbers every day from nine to five --> people who work from home can easily manage their schedule better to suit thier needs in order to complete their work in a better state of mind.
* This trend also brings about positive outcomes for schools and bussinesses.
1. --> schools and bussinesses could save a lot of money that would otherwise be allocated to the construction and maintenance of buildings and facilities.--> that money could be invested in enhancing other things, such as updating study programs, or other facilities that allow staff and students to work more effectively --> help to build up the reputation of those institues as well.
* Work Phrases:
- with cheaper and more accessible computer technology...
- are opting to work ...
- In my opinion, this is a positive development due to several reasons.
- I hold a firm belief that working and studying from home is an advantageous trend as it generates many merits for all sides involved.
Topic 44: Transport
* It could be argued that providing citizens with faster forms of public transportation has brought about certain benefits.
1. --> faster forms of transport are said to allow people, particularly commuters, to reduce travelling time to and from work --> people will have more leisure time, and this will lead to an increase in thier work productivity.
2. --> people are less likely to be packed in cramped and hot buses --> they will not need to rush to get to work on time or get up so early in order to get a seat on a bus --> they will have more time to prepare before going to work or school, or to enjoy breakfast with their family.
* I believe that spending money on other vital aspects is more important
1.--> One of the most pressing concerns is environmental pollution --> there are more and more vehicles that are being used each year and exhaust fumes emiited from those vehicles have exerted a detremental effect on the atmosphere in most large cities. --> people are more susceptible to developing respiratory diseases and other kind of health problems.
2. --> another significant issue is the increasing cost of living, --> which leaves many people struggling to cope with basic daily needs --> if such situations are left untreated --> this may lead to a decrease in economic growth.
* Word Phrases:
- people have different views about...
- faster meands of public transpot would be a positive measure
- I would argue that further investment in other priorities should be made first.
- the advantages of improving speed of public transport.
- i am convinced that it is better to ...
- more urgent issues
Topic 45: Media
* A higher frequency of news stories focusing on negative aspects in society is not a good thing, and can have detrimental effects on people's mental state.
1. --> news about terrorism and war has become so common in the media --> people may hesitate to travel abroad in fear of suffering from a terrorist attack.
2. --> it can also lead people to misunderstanding about many aspects within society --> which should be given greater respect and recognition. --> Eg. many tabloids, such as Dispatch of Korea and 14Channel of Vietnam, have always reported the scandals of celebrities --> can mislead the public into believing in the flaws of showbiz, wheareas in reality --> it is an industry where many people have made many great contributions to society.
* The focus on negative issuses rather than positive developments is legitimate to some extent.
1. --> the media can be seen as an effective way to spread news, to even the most remote places --> this can help to bring people together in order to solve serious problems. --> the more people that are imformed about issues --> the sooner they can be solved.
2. --> it can raise the awareness amongst citizens --> the more negative stories appear in the media, the higher chance that people become aware of it and take action towards a solution. --> Eg. news coverage about cancer has now become a common topic in the media --> a large amount of people have switched to a healthier lifestyles.
* Word Phrases:
- mainstream media channels ...
- the problems and urgent issues in society.
- this trend is harmful to people
- such a tendency involves both positive and negative impacts.
- the accompanying negative impacts need to be considered.
Topic 46: Studying
* Studying in a group can bring students many benefits.
1. --> if students study with others, when a question regarding the subject they are learning arise --> they can discuss that question and have it fully and immediately answered. --> can greatly facilitate their learning process
2. --> students can have further discussions over the isses raised in their textbook or by thier instructor if they study in a group. --> Eg. a group a law students can discuss whether the practice of abortion is a violation of human rights or not. --> Each student have a chance to listen to the views
* Studying alone also proves to be effective for many students.
1. --> Some stdents prefer to study alone in a quite environment in order to better concentrate on studying and prevent themselves from being disturbed by others.
2. --> there are also other sudents who study more effectively if they are alone because this allows them to work at their own pace. --> eg. when studying independently, students can spend more time researching a topic that he or she is interested in or does not adequately understand. --> This is nearly impossible if that student studies in a group where members have to stick to the group's studying schedule.
* Word Phrases:
- people have different views about...
- work collaboratively with each other
- each study method has its own advantages
- ...can be equally advantageous to students
- students should adopt the studying method which they consider to be more effective and suitable for them.
Topic 47: Work - life
* This issue is often associated with some unwanted consequences.
1. --> having an unhealthy work life balance can have a negative effect on people's health since these individuals tend to sacrifice thier daily physical activities and recreational activities to work. --> this is long-term lead to an increased level of stress and stress-related illness.
2. --> Work-life imbalance can also give rise to growing problems with parenting --> the materialistic society of today drives many parents to becoming workaholics --> which lead them to spending less time taking care of thier children --> without adequate supervision from parents, children can easily go on the wrong track.
* Some practical solutions are suggested to mitigate the problem.
1. --> One viable step is that people need to consider and see what makes them happy and then set priorities in life. --> when they come home from work, they must learn to switch the office button off. --> By doing so, they will have more time to enjoy leisure activities and refresh themselves.
2. --> People should plan a flexible schedule for their life --> Eg. some days, they might focus more on work, while others might have more time and energy to pursue thier hobbies or relax with their loved ones. --> This will enable them to enjoy every part of their life.
* Word Phrases:
- most people fail to achieve the ideal work life balance
- discuss some effects and suggest ways to address the problems.
- work life imbalance can lead to some harmful impacts on people's health and family.
- some steps should be taken into account to mitigate this problems.
Topic 48: Sports
* Nobody can deny that sport is a great leisure activity.
1. --> Millions of people all around the world participate in sporting activities everyday simply because of the sense of well-being and relaxation that it brings them.
2. --> People play sport for numerous reasons, icluding, wanting to get fit or stay in shape, as a way to relax and take their mind off the stress of daily life, and a way to socialise and spend time with friends --> These reasons would indicate that people get involved in sporting activities as a form of leisure.
* Eventhough most people play sport for the personal benefits, it does also serve a number of usual functions within society.
1. --> sport creates healthier societies --> people who play sport are known to be happier and healthier, and less prone to certain mental and physical sicknesses --> which reduces the burdens on healthcare systems.
2. --> Sport brings people together and creates a sense of unity within societies --> this can be witnessed when complete strangers join together to cheer on and support their countries football team.
3. --> Sport teaches people many important life skills and lessons --> help people to function more effectively within thier society, making it a better place to live.
* Keywords:
- simply activities people do for leisure
- sport does have an important function in society
- for the purpose of leisure
- a number of important benefits to ...
* Topic 49: Study and work:
* Pursuing tertiary education immediately after finishing high school does have some disadvantages
1. --> some people know exactly what career path they wish to follow and are highly motivated to undertake the necessary steps needed to achieve their dreams. --> taking a gap year could serve as a waste of time and money for such people.--> it may even cause some young people to lose sight of their previous goals.
2. --> some young people may find earning money while working to be much more appealing than going back to study --> this could detract them from wanting to pursue further education --> which could have significant disadvantages in the long run.
* Taking time off from studying to travel or work has countless benefits for young people.
1. --> Although some high school graduates know exactly what they want to do in life, I believe that most young people have very little idea. --> this is largely due to the fact that kids these day live very sheltered lives and do not know much about how the real world actually fuctions. --> taking a gap year is going to allow them to get some real-life experience, and broaden thier horizons about their possible future career.
2. --> Kids these days are put through twelve years of schooling which can be exhausting for many --> taking a break to travel or work will help to prepare them for further education.
* Word Phrases:
- go straight to universitiy
- the advantages of ... far outweigh any disadvantages that this trend may bring.
- ...would be highly beneficial to ...
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